Jay Maynard
2 min readJul 20, 2016


There’s only one problem: by opposing Donald Trump, you are working to elect Hillary Clinton. That’s not your intent, to be sure. I have no trouble believing that you sincerely don’t want her to become president.

The problem is that we will get either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump as our next president. That’s the choice. Nobody else will gain any electoral college votes, much less get elected. There is no third-party fairy to rescue us from that choice. It’s one or the other.

When that’s our choice, we must, above all else, work to keep Hillary Clinton out of the Oval Office. She will be a disaster our country cannot survive. She will complete the destruction of the rule of law that Barack Obama has started. She will appoint Supreme Court justices — as many as four of them — that will push the Court to the far left and remove any obstacles it might have had to rewriting the Constitution, if not shredding it entirely. Both DC v. Heller and Citizens United, and therefore the First and Second Amendments, are in extreme jeopardy under a Hillary Clinton-appointed Court. Regardless of anything else, that must never happen.

Donald Trump is no prize, to be sure. He wasn’t my first choice, nor my second, nor my tenth. But he’s the only way we’ll avoid getting Hillary Clinton. As for qualifications, the American public threw away any consideration of those when it elected a patently unqualified Barack Obama in 2008. To object to any Republican as unqualified amounts to unilateral disarmament.

If you can come up with a way to avoid having Hillary Clinton as our next president without electing Donald Trump, I’m all ears. But that way has to be feasible, and a third party candidate is not.

If you can’t, you’re either working, as a practical matter, for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Which is it to be?

