COVID makes me hungry

COVID makes me hungry
2 min readSep 30, 2021


Hello all, my name is Jay Cain and I want to bring your attention to the growing problem of hunger around the world. The goal of this blog is to raise awareness of this overlooked problem of increasing hunger and starvation around the world. Specifically, I want to talk about how the COVID-19 virus has and will continue to affect these people in need of help if we do not do something to fix it. My hope is that people will take what they learn about the connection between COVID and hunger and spread the word to others to make the world a healthier and happier place. One of the reasons I was so interested in this topic is because I've recently made a big change to my diet and have been eating a lot more but in healthier ways, and this is something that I believe everyone should have access to. Although this topic does not directly relate to my field of work, I think it will be beneficial to me because it might make me view the world from a different perspective and put myself in somebody else's shoes, and hopefully, I can create that same effect for all of my readers. I believe that this is an important topic to understand because hunger is something that I feel is widely overlooked in America since most people have access to grocery stores and other markets, and now on top of that due to the current pandemic that has spread globally, these hungry people need our help more now than ever. Some things I already know about the topic before even researching anything is that a lot of funding for food banks in these third world countries has been used elsewhere for COVID relief, which has already made a big impact. This obviously has a big impact on the rate of hunger since that is what a lot of people solely rely on.

Some questions I have before researching more about this are, besides the funding of food banks, how has the pandemic had a direct impact on hunger? Also, what are some examples of man-made conflicts and other environmental factors that have lead to an increasing rate of hunger? and are those related to COVID in any way? Lastly, Is there a way we could create a better agriculture system or something similar in these third world countries to help with this shortage of food?



COVID makes me hungry

My blog will inform readers about the correlation between the COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing rate of hunger.