Who Stole Jeffs’ Piggy Bank

A decades old unsolved mystery

Paula Mathis
3 min readFeb 21, 2023

Photo: Clker-Free-Vector-Images | Pixabay

We were all friends. There were five of us and during school breaks, we would spend hours playing in the woods. We explored, built Members Only forts and pretended to be on expeditions. Every morning after breakfast, we would meet at our house to discuss our plans for the day.

When we went deep into the woods, we came upon some amazing sights and most of them I will never forget.

We lived in the beautiful, scenic mountains of Georgia, close to Lookout Mountain, in Tennessee. Let me tell you, it is amazing to walk the mountain trails, come to a clearing, look across and see forever.

Nick Russel

The views that were spread out before us cannot be adequately described with words. We saw wildflowers, cute animals scurrying about, mountain streams,

We even found (I realized much later) remnants of the Civil War. There were buttons, knives and other evidence that they were there. The time spent in those woods were the best experiences of my life.

