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An Honest Book Review and Literary Analysis: I Love You Since 1892 by Binibining Mia

10 min readJun 26, 2023


Theme: “Literary Production: Metamorphosis of the Mind: Unveiling the Psyche Through Literary Senses”

I Love You Since 1892 is written by Filipino writer named Mia Alfonso, she is well-known of her pen name Undeniably Gorgeous or Binibining Mia. The story was written in pure Filipino language. It is a historical fiction that tells the adventurous tragic love story of Juanito Alfonso and Carmelita Montecarlos. The book was consist of 44 Chapters with a tragic ending. The novel explores not only about true love and great love but also about the tragic history of Philippines that, we cannot deny, still happens today.

From the synopsis in Wattpad, the book tells the story of Carmela, a girl from 2016 who gets sent back to the year 1892 and will fall in love with Juanito, a doctor-to-be and son of a powerful gobernadorcillo. The laws of nature will bend. After more than 104 years, Carmela, the fourth generation of the Montecarlos clan will be born on a leap year. A short trip to San Alfonso for her 20th birthday will give her rebellious life a whimsical twist. Through a diary, she’ll go back in time. And the Carmela of 2016 will meet Juanito of 1892.

I Love You Since 1892 is a story about the spoiled brat girl from the future, named as Carmela Isabella from the rich hierarchy of Montecarlos. She discovered after visiting her grandmother Carmina in their bloodline’s mansion that she have the same exact physical looks of her Great Grandmother’s youngest sibling named Carmelita Montecarlos. Carmelita Montecarlos died in an awful way as she drowned herself in the lake of tears because of hopeless relationship with one of the richest person in their town named Juanito Alfonso. On their wedding day, Juanito was shot by an unknown assailant. And so, Carmela was traveled back on 19th century and acted as Carmelita Montecarlos, her task is to change the epic fate of Carmelita Montecarlos and save Juanito’s life. Carmelita had a diary with a note written in the cover, “Ang Pag-iibigan natin ay muling Isusulat sa araw ng Ika-apat na Pagkakataon”. This is the only thing that Carmela had with her throughout the rollercoaster ride of circumstances. She struggled to act like how women in the 19th century should behave as she was came from the modern world but then she eventually managed as time passed by. She is not supposedly fall in love with Juanito but she did. She found out many revelations she never imagined, in the end she managed to fight what the real Carmelita did in the past and even if it breaks her heart she did what she must do and she accomplished her task.

Get to know the Author

Binibining Mia wrote her first story at the age of 16 while she wrote ILYS1892 when she was 19. Her first written story was entitled “ My Best Friend’s Boyfriend” under teen fiction category published in Wattpad, however, later on she deleted it because she thought it was a cliché story. She used that experience to jumpstart her writing career. Currently, she already has 12 completed books on Wattpad. And ILYS1892 is the one of the most popular story in Wattpad. She has always fascinated with true to life stories, legends, myths, and general history. According to her, “a good writer is also a wide reader”. She started writing in Wattpad and she tend to write when she’s stress or inspired. She pour everything, her feelings and thoughts through writing. Her favorite international writer is Lang Leav, while her favorite local writer is Paz Marquez Benitez were she get to learn to use earthly symbols when it comes to relating to life. Even when she was younger she preferred to read about tragic stories and with sad endings story, a forbidden love plus the “me and you against the world” concept. Her writing style and usual works are mostly a mixture of history and a love story with some sort of action and fantasy.

ILYS1892 is one of my favorite and anticipated Wattpad story. The story gives me a rollercoaster feeling, it gives me laugh, mourning, excitement, disappointment, and it made me cry a lot. The story is amazing, and it takes me month to read another book because I can’t move on and I can’t accept the ending of the story. I got a physical book of this from my friend as a gift for my 18th birthday. And with many books I have read in Wattpad this is different from all of it, this gives me genuine feeling that makes me want to be main character on the story despite that she was in complicated society and difficult situation. The Language use by the author is effective because I can immediately and literally picture all her descriptions about the characteristics and physical appearance of the characters as well as the scenes and settings where the character was in. I like the character of Carmela, somehow I can relate to her and I love how the author develop her personality. I love Juanito’s character so much, I immediately fell in love with him. His character shows the supposedly characteristics of every man which is not being usually seen in our society nowadays such as being gentleman, respectful, responsible, and very polite. I also like Madame Olivia, though I don’t like her at the beginning of the story because she’s rude to Carmela. No matter how many times I read this story, it still gives me goosebumps and more intense feeling, and with that I can reflect and viewed the book in a deeper sense.

On the other hand, the loophole in the story is the transition of Carmelita to Carmela to Carmelita herself. Carmelita from 2016’s mission is to save Juanito’s life that is abruptly ended in 1892 by an unidentified gun man. There is no logical explanation why Juanito should have to live and why Carmelita has to die and her death is even suggested by a supposed divine creature. If the actual flow is a reunion between Juanito and Carmelita, you might be disappointed because the story is made for Carmela and Juanito. However, I hope that there should be an English version because this is one of the best historical fiction in today’s Philippine Literature. Also the story is still very relevant in today’s society and it manifest how we should give importance to the freedom we are experiencing right now.

Let’s now dig deeper on analyzing the literature using applicable Literary Theories or Approaches to view it in different angles or perspectives.

Feminist Theory

The story setting was way back on Spanish colonization era in the Philippines were women before was treated unequally. Women on that time have no rights in education unless they came from wealthy family, however, they were not learning in school their knowledge is still limited as they are only allowed to learn basic reading and writing, and novenas and prayers. The story explores how the gender constructs shape the experience of men and women in a patriarchal society. Carmela portrays as a strong-willed and adventurous young woman who is later on fighting against the Spanish government officials as she see many unacceptable doings of Spaniards in our country. Her character is an example of feminist ideals, as she actively seeks to break gender norms and fight for her freedom. She tries to refuse the gendered roles assigned to women, but still she can’t. The novel also interprets the limitations of her social position as a woman. Despite her efforts, she is consistently met with sexism and patriarchy from those around her, including her own father. Her father discourages her from loving Juanito because Juanito’s family was already powerless and he became part of the revolutionary movement. Carmela remains resilient and determined to fight for what she believes in because of her love to Juanito. While, the character of Juanito shows the gender roles assigned to men in society. Juanito is portrayed as a gentle and with strong-willed individual. He sees Carmela as independent and different from other woman the reason why he fell in love with her. Juanito respects and cherishes Carmela for her independence and fighting spirit. The novel can be viewed as a critique of the patriarchal structures that dominated society at the time. It is conceivable to interpret the novel as a critique of the patriarchal structures that dominated the society at the time. It stresses how it affects the choices made by characters in the book and serves as a reminder of the struggle for gender equality and equal representation for women.

Historical Criticism

As a late 19th-century historical romance, this work of literature lends itself well to historical criticism, giving a thorough account of the historical occurrences that shaped the time. The book gives readers a look at the social and cultural climate of the day. The narrative illustrates the social class gap between the wealthy and the poor as well as how economic inequality impacted the romantic relationships between the key characters. The novel’s setting centered in Manila during the Spanish colonial era, where characters wrestle with a changing identity and cultural norms. Readers gain insight into the complexity of the revolutionary movement through to the individuals’ intricate linkages to the social and political changes of their period. Through the book, the author criticizes the colonial powers that ruled the Philippines, highlighting the ruthless methods used by the Spanish colonizers and the oppressive circumstances in which the native people was compelled to live. The novel also reveals how the revolutionary movement was a response to these conditions, and describe the bravery and determination of the Filipino fighters who attempt to regain their freedom. The author tries to show social issues of the time period such as racism, cultural discrimination and women’s suffrage, she also interprets how historical events impacted everyday life. And so, this invites readers to consider how history is filled with life-altering events that shape people’s actions and reactions. This story managed to show the issues and discrimination that are still relevant to people’s lives today, making it a powerful tool for contemplating the social and cultural context of this historical period.

Postcolonial Theory

The novel, of course, explores the legacy of colonialism in the Philippines. In the novel, we can see resistance to colonial oppression in the form of Juanito’s involvement in the revolution against Spanish rule. Even though his mother told him not to retaliate, he was forced to join revolution to protect his remaining family and loved ones against of too much evilness of the government officials. His determination to fight for his country’s independence can be interpreted as a form of resistance to the dominant colonial power. The author successfully portrayed the Philippines under Spanish colonial rule, the brutal oppression, economic exploitation, and cultural assimilation. It disclose how colonialism attempt to control and dominate the culture and people of the Philippines, by imposing their culture and religion, and robbing the country’s natural resources.
Moreover, the novel provides a critique of the way the colonial project worked to disempower and silence colonized voices, particularly women and poor Filipino people. A good example of how colonialism and patriarchy combined to undermine women’s liberty is Carmela’s fight against the Spanish colonists and her own father’s restrictive beliefs. The Filipino people’s attempts to assert their cultural identity in the face of outside forces are also described in this tale as ways in which they have resisted colonization. The book demonstrates via Juanito how colonialism was unable to wipe out the Philippines’ rich and diverse cultural legacy. The narrative paints a picture of the ongoing struggles for justice and self-determination that are required to reverse the long-lasting impacts of colonialism in the Philippines.


The novel is not just implying about unconditional love of the two main characters but also it shows how they approach the disease of the society and the people against them which make their love for each other stronger and possible despite of generation they came from. The character of Carmela is an archetype to represents youth nowadays, as Carmela is not used to read Historical books about Philippines. Based from the book, she often fell asleep during their History class just like many younger generation nowadays. Technically, the author wants her readers to realize the importance of the Independence and democracy of our country. She wants them to know the sacrifices and sufferings of our ancestors and recognize them because they deserve it. It takes decades for us to claim our Independence and it is because of their hardships and sacrifices. The author presents a reality in which the cultural, social, and psychological traumas of colonization come to life, allowing the reader to experience both the joys and struggles of the characters’ psychological journey.

Before I’m not that interested about the history of the Philippines, not until I read this book. I come to realize that we should have to value the freedom that we are experiencing right now. And we should always have to give credits to the people behind this freedom, to our national heroes. Like Carmela (referring to her development especially on the ending part after she came back to reality), right after I read this novel I began to appreciate reading more about our history and keep our culture by continuously practicing our own languages, traditions, cultures, customs etc. Moreover, this work makes me aware with my surroundings and give concern for our country by making myself involve in discussing relevant issues in our country (not ranting on social media about the anomalies of our government).

Juanito’s character is representation of common characteristics of authentic Filipino gentleman which is now fading in today’s generation. Juanito symbolizes our National heroes, despite all the circumstances he experienced he never give up serving the people for betterment of our dear country. He also symbolizes the true leaders who have a genuine concern to his people and to the country.

“I Love You Since 1892” can be seen as a reflection of the author’s own psychological journey as a Filipino writer. By bringing to light the cultural and social complexities of her native land and its history, the author is able to explore her own identity as a Filipino and to confront the historical narratives that continue to shape the lives of people.

This novel can awaken every readers to understand the world around them, to be conscious and keep awake while the country is not yet resting for the fights against the society itself. The injustices this book reveals is still existing up to this generation and so we should have to deal with all of it by knowing where we came from and develop our well being for the improvement of our country in the future.

I suggest this book to anyone, as it has the ability to change distorted views, helps us to reflect and transform our perspective, leads us to be the better version of ourselves, to think logically, it might also teaches us to be a concern citizen, and will teach us to understand in a deeper level and empathize with our dear Fatherland.

