Letting Go is the Greatest Love

2 min readJan 8, 2024


There are times we feel alone. To the point we are never really expecting anyone to come to you. Thinking, you will be fine on your own. Well, in fact that’s the best thing you can think of. Wishing best days will come. Silent sufferings = strength.

And then one day, someone comes to your life. A total stranger that you never expect to come and come close to your soul. They tease you and you feel annoyed. Teasing become the new love language. I’m not talking about romantic relationship. Things are not always being romantic. I think unconditional love is loving someone based on who they really are, their good and bad side. You understand everything because that’s what you are capable of. You also know what’s the feeling of being misunderstood. As they talk, you believe it all. You can feel the sincerity of their words when they are willing to know every bit of you despite the close windows and curtains in your heart. Eventually, you learned to be open sometimes and appreciate the knocking hand. As you don’t know what approach you can do for them as well, you end up wounding the good…

You offered to love them too! You shared a lot of ideas, thoughts, and values. Both shares silly and depressing thoughts, and craziest made from the past. They’re both laughing about it and eventually discovering other side of themselves. Over time, they are learning from each other. As the time goes by, it overwhelms them. Someone hoping this is still a healthy platonic relationship. Someone is wondering if the other one is thinking the same, it hopes too. As they think that is much better than any connection out there. They already build a connection that is mutually meant for lifetime. There is invisible soul tie.

Thinking about goodbye depressed them. Even they think to let go, one can’t go. There is a magnet. A north soul and south soul. A lot of differences but there’s is unexplained oneness.

After few months they’ve meet but feels like they’ve known for a long time. They are willing to let go when they needed to, if they really need to. Okay! You can still love someone even they are far from you. Contented looking at them smiling even you are not the source of happiness. That’s rare! Caring and loving someone, unromantically. That’s true love!

Coffee is my therapy.

