The Gang Goes to Congress

Joanna Sese
2 min readJun 29, 2018


Hey and we’re back with a bunch of updates.

I think it was President of the United States of America Donald Trump who said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” When an opportunity came up to work on the digital appendage of a political campaign, I figured, hey, let’s do politics.

That’s not how it went down at all, actually. An opportunity did come up, which prompted me to perform a pseudo-code-my-life exercise, complete with all possible edge cases. It boiled down to if I thought I had the fortitude to leave home for a long minute to serve our country and help shape a congress that reflects America in its diversity of backgrounds and beliefs. Hey, it’s better than ranting on Facebook.

So here I am. I’m living in Illinois for the next five months as a Digital Organizer, working on the Lauren Underwood campaign, congressional district 14. This is all possible thanks to DigiDems, a startup that matches civic-minded devs and digital natives with congressional campaigns.

Seeing as I’ve never worked on a political campaign before on a congressional level, I’m trying my best to get over the learning curve and get a sense for campaign culture. But also, since this is a tech blog, I won’t talk too much about politics.

Here are some snapshots of life in IL-14 so far. I’ve been here for a week. I’ve met two alpacas.

Grown up children’s meal of burnt ends and fancy mac.
Our candidate and volunteers, parading.
An alpaca.
A hot dog.



Joanna Sese

San Gabriel Valley → Orleans Parish. Web developer. Clean code, full hearts, can't lose.