The Body’s Energy System, Evolving Thought Power and Meditation that Literally Juices Up the Mind

Jana Micaela Gablan
11 min readJul 13, 2020


Note that the material is a content summary sourced from Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon by Joe Dispenza

How Your Body’s Energy Centers Work

Think of each of energy center as an individual center of information. Each has its own specific energy that carries a corresponding level of consciousness, its own energy frequencies expressing very specific information. These individuals are clusters of neurological networks functioning as mini-brains.

Here’s what it means for each energy center to have its own mind. For example, when your first center is activated with energy, the conscious intention carried by the energy, activates the reproductive center, and the mind in the brain influencing the related glands on a subconscious level through the autonomic nervous system. The body is now following the mind as the mini-brain in that energy center activates the related glands. This activates corresponding hormones that signal the appropriate chemicals to change the body’s emotional state and physiology. And then you are emitting a very clear energy carrying a specific directive out of that center. We have all felt that kind of energy from a very sexual person.

Once the energy is moving through that plexus of neurons of energy center, it creates mind at that level, so when it’s activated, that center has a mind of its own.

More Detailed Function of Each Energy Center

Sexual Glands

The first energy center governs the region of your sex organs. This energy center has to do with reproduction and procreation, elimination, sexuality, and sexual identity. The hormones estrogen and progesterone in women and testosterone in men are correlated with this center.

A tremendous amount of creative energy exists in this first center. When this center is in balance, your creative energy flows easily and you are also grounded in your sexual identity.

Digestive and Pancreatic Glands

The second energy center is behind and slightly below your navel. It governs the ovaries, uterus, colon, pancreas, and lower back. It has to do with consumption, digestion, elimination, and the breaking down of food into energy — including digestive enzymes and juices as well as the enzymes and hormones that balance your blood sugar levels.

This energy center is also related to social networks and structures, relationships, support systems, family, cultures, and interpersonal relationships. When this center is in balance, you feel safe and secure both in your environment and in the world.

Adrenal Glands

The third energy center is located in the pit of your gut. It governs the stomach, small intestine, spleen, liver, gall bladder, adrenal glands, and kidneys. The associated hormones include adrenaline and cortisol, the kidney hormones, and chemicals like renin and angiotensin, erythropoietin, and all the liver enzymes, as well as the stomach enzymes like pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, and hydrochloric acid.

This center is associated with our will, power, self-importance, control, drive, aggression, and dominance. It is the center of competitive action and of personal power, self-esteem, and directed intention. When the third center is in balance, you use your will and your drive to overcome your environment and the conditions in your life. Unlike the second center, this center becomes naturally activated when you perceive that your environment is not safe or is unpredictable.

Thymus Glands

The fourth energy center is located in the space behind your breastbone. It governs the heart, lungs, and thymus gland (the body’s main immunity gland, known as the “fountain of youth”). The hormones associated with this center include growth hormone and oxytocin as well as a cascade of 1,400 different chemicals that stimulate the immune system’s health via the thymus gland.

The first three centers are all about survival and reflect our animal nature or our humanity. But in this fourth energy center, we are moving from being selfish to being selfless. This center is associated with the emotions of love and caring, nurturing, compassion, gratitude, thankfulness, appreciation, kindness, inspiration, selflessness, wholeness, and trust.

It is where our divinity originates; it is the seat of the soul. When the fourth center is in balance, we care about others and we want to work in cooperation for the greatest good of the community. We feel a genuine love for life. We feel whole, and we are satisfied with who we are.

Thyroid Glands

The fifth energy center is located in the center of your throat. It governs the thyroid, parathyroid, the salivary glands, and tissues of the neck. The hormones associated with this center include parathyroid chemicals that govern the body’s metabolism, and circulating calcium levels.

This center is associated with expressing the love you felt in the fourth center, as well as speaking your truth and personally empowering your reality through language and sound. When the fifth center is balanced, you voice your present truth, which includes expressing your love. You feel so pleased with yourself and with life that you just have to share your thoughts and feelings.

Pineal Gland

The sixth energy center is located in the space between the back of your throat and the back of your head. It governs the pineal gland, which is a sacred gland. Some people call it the third eye. It’s associated with the door to higher dimensions and shifting your perception so you can see beyond the veil or see reality in a nonlinear way.

When this center is opened, it’s like a radio antenna you can use to tune in to higher frequencies beyond the five senses, if you’re psychically clear. The pineal gland secretes hormones like serotonin and melatonin responsible for your circadian rhythms of feeling awake in response to visible light during the day and sleepy in response to being in darkness at night. In fact, the pineal gland is sensitive to all electromagnetic frequencies besides visible light and can produce corresponding chemical derivatives of melatonin that change your view of reality.

When this gland is in balance, your brain works in a clear manner. You are lucid, more conscious of both your inner world and your outer world, seeing and perceiving more each day.

Pituitary Gland

The seventh energy center is located in the center of your head and includes the pituitary gland. This gland has been called the master gland because it governs and creates harmony in a downward cascade from this center of your brain to your pineal gland, your thyroid gland, your thymus gland, your adrenal glands, your pancreatic gland, and all the way to your sexual glands.

This is the center of the body where you experience your greatest expression of divinity. This is where your divinity, your highest level of consciousness, originates. When this gland is in balance, you are in harmony with all things.


The eighth energy center is located about 16 inches (40 centimeters) above the head, so it is the only energy center that is not associated with an area of the physical body. The Egyptians called it the Ka. It represents your connection to the cosmos, to the universe, to the whole.

When this center becomes activated, you feel worthy to receive — and that opens you up to insights, epiphanies, deep understandings, and creative downloads of frequency and information that come into your physical body and brain not from memories stored in your nervous system but from the cosmos, the unified field or the power grid that connects everyone.

How Thinking — Feeling Loop Generates the Kind of Energy We Store in the Body

Instead of releasing all our energy outward (to procreate, to digest food, to run from danger, and so on), we evolve some of that energy upward from one center to the next, increasing its frequency as it ascends.

Each energy center has its own individual frequency that carries its own individual intent.

Let’s look at how the thinking-feeling loop works in relation to the body’s energy centers — especially the first three, the survival centers, where it causes the most problems.

So let’s say you think a thought, such as My boss is unfair. Then you have another thought, I’m underpaid, and you turn on a second neurological network. Then you think, I’m overworked, and now you’re off to the races.

Because mind is the brain in action, if you keep thinking more thoughts along the same lines and you activate enough networks of neurons firing in tandem — in a specific sequence, pattern, and combination — you produce a level of mind, which then creates an internal representation or an image of yourself. That’s where you can make your internal thoughts more real than your outer environment.

The neurotransmitters — chemical messengers that send information between neurons in your brain — begin to influence neuropeptides — chemical messengers created by the autonomic nervous system. Think of neuropeptides as molecules of emotion. Those neuropeptides signal hormonal centers, in this case turning on the adrenal glands in the third energy center. . And you broadcast a specific energy signature through the third energy center that in effect carries the message, “Send me another reason to feel the way I’m already feeling — send me another reason to feel angry.” As this center becomes activated, it produces a specific frequency that carries a particular message.

Maintaining this frame of mind, the cycle can go on for decades, and repeatedly conditions the body emotionally into the past. The emotion of anger becomes stored as energy.

Once the thought or image you are paying attention to becomes more real than your outer world, the thought literally becomes the experience. That energy center becomes activated with a specific energy carrying a specific message or intent. Unconsciously you attract a reality that correspond to this energy you’re emitting.

Evolving One’s Energy for Personal Evolution

Inside this closed system is cerebrospinal fluid that’s filtered from the blood in the brain. This fluid bathes the brain and the spinal cord, and it’s responsible for giving the central nervous system buoyancy.

It acts as a cushion to protect the brain and spinal cord from trauma.By its very nature, this fluid acts as a conduit to enhance electrical charges in the nervous system.

Every time you inhale, that sacrum bone flexes back slightly, and every time you exhale it flexes forward just a little bit. And at the same time you inhale, the sutures of your skull open up just slightly, and as you exhale, they close back up. These are extremely subtle. You can’t feel it happening. The movement propagates a wave within the fluid of this closed system, and slowly pumps that cerebrospinal fluid up your spine all the way to the brain.

If you were to tag one molecule of cerebrospinal fluid and follow it from the base of your spine all the way up to your brain and then all the way back down to your sacrum, you’d see that it would take 12 hours to make a complete circuit. In essence, you flush your brain twice a day.

Juice up the Mind Meditation

If you contracted the intrinsic muscles of your perineum and you locked them down. While they were locked down, you next contracted the muscles of your lower abdomen, locking those muscles down, and then you did the same with the muscles of your upper abdomen. If you kept squeezing and contracting those muscles in your first three energy centers, that cerebrospinal fluid in your central nervous system would move up.

Now imagine you then placed your attention on the top of your head. Where you place your attention is where you place your energy, so if you put your attention at the top of your head, that would become your target for moving energy.

Now think about taking one slow, steady breath through your nose and at the same time, squeezing and holding the muscles mentioned above— all while following your breath up your spine all the way to the top of your head.

Imagine that when you get to the top of your head, you hold your breath as you keep squeezing. You’d be pulling that cerebrospinal fluid all the way up toward your brain.

Cerebrospinal fluid is made up of proteins and salts in solution, and the moment proteins and salts dissolve in solution, they become charged. If you take a charged molecule and accelerate it — as you would if you pulled that molecule up your spine — you create an inductance field.

An inductance field is an invisible field of electromagnetic energy that moves in a circular motion in the direction the charged molecules are moving in. The more charged molecules you accelerate, the bigger and more powerful the inductance field.

Every second, important information is relayed from your brain to your body. At the same instant, a lot of information from the body is carried up your spinal cord toward the brain. Once you accelerate these charged molecules in one direction up the spine, the resulting inductance field will reverse the current of information flowing from the brain down through the body, and it will then draw energy from the lower three centers up the spine to the brain.

Now there’s a current running through the body and the central nervous system — just like a magnet — and as a result, the same kind of electromagnetic field of energy that surrounds a magnet surrounds the body.

The field of electromagnetic energy you’ve created is a three-dimensional field, and as it moves, this energy creates a torsion field or a torus field.

If you do this technique correctly and you do it enough times, you are going to wake up a sleeping dragon. It is as if traveling energy from the lower centers is ejaculated into the brain.

When this energy reaches the brain stem, a gate called the thalamic gate opens up and all that energy is permitted to enter the brain. Once this energy that was initially stored in the body enters the brain, the brain produces gamma brain-wave patterns.

Gamma brain waves — also called superconsciousness — are notable as they produce the highest amounts of energy of all the brain waves.

As you do this powerful breathing technique, you are drawing the energy that’s been stored in those lower three centers up your spine.

There’s a tube of energy or light called the prana tube running along your spinal column. Prana is the Sanskrit word for “life force.” Yogis have known about this tube — which is not a physical structure but an energetic one — for thousands of years. This tube is considered etheric because of the electrical information in the spine that constantly moves through it. The more energy moves in the physical spinal cord, the more energy is created as light in this tube.

When that pressurized fluid reaches the brain, energy passes through the thalamic gate up to the thalamus, and then the neocortex. That’s when gamma waves begin to occur. When the energy reaches the thalamus, it is also relayed to the pineal gland, and something amazing happens. It’s like an orgasm in your head. This is a very powerful energy that has been called the movement of the kundalini.



Jana Micaela Gablan

Hon BSc Math and CS University of Toronto. Software Engineer