Covering President Trump’s first 100 days

Joel Mendez
4 min readNov 4, 2016


“Mr. Trout. Quite an editorial.” — 2 — Chapter 1

Eliot Trout shared the elevator with the Communications Director of the President Elect Donald Trump. The elevator zoomed to the top floor of of Trump Tower. The Communications Director was in his mid 20’s and had mastered operating two smartphones while having a conversation with Eliot. Eliot wasn’t paying attention to him. He had escaped a swarm of photos and his invisibility.

“President Trump can’t wait to meet you,” the Communications Director said to Eliot as he simultaneously tweeted a photo of Trump eating a taco in front of a taco truck in Washington D.C. during his inauguration.

Trump’s staff was oblivious to the fact the taco truck was part of a 1000 hundred taco truck protest to the Trump election. The taco truck protest (tweet hashtags #tacotrucksvsprestrump) had shut down traffic in D.C. The Trump helicopter landed near the taco truck demonstration. Trump picked up his order of a zesty corn fajitas, delivered a photo op and then rode back to Trump Tower on the helicopter with a fatigue secret service following him.

“Ready?”, the Communications Director said to Eliot as he looked at him for the first time in the elevator.

The elevator door opened.

“What is your name?” Eliot asked.

“Oh Sorry, Michael. The call me Communications Mike.” Mike returned to his smartphones.

The doors opened to the 56th floor of Trump Tower. The top floor of the Trump Tower was a mix of Las Vegas celebration and a busy newsroom.

Eliot followed the Communications Director through the spacious hallway as he walked by hotel suites doors wide open celebrating Trump’s victory. The Communications Director walked quickly talking on the phone while he was typing on the second smartphone.

Eliot was handed a champagne glass by a tall blonde who was holding her own glass of champagne. She said her name was Candy. She placed a Trump “Build Walls for Unity” sticker on the Eliots rented tuxedo. She kissed his cheek and ran off. Eliot sadly glaned at the sticker. He thought to himself “Is this what I was thinking when I wrote the editorial?”

The hallway at the top floor was crowded with New Year’s Eve atmosphere. The smell of cigars poured through the floor as champagne and wine was poured in “Prez Trump” cocktail glasses.

He peeked into a hotel suite. In the middle of a celebration, there was a middle age couple arguing. The hotel room with the drapes covering the bright lights of New York and with two bed stand lamps illuminating the dark and gloomy hotel room.

There was a tall man with beautiful thin white hair. He looked fatigued and with his hands on his sides, he turned to his wife.

“Just when we were getting out of this circus, he becomes President,” her eyes closed taking in a mixture of disgust and anger. He paced and she continued.

“Mike. I just can’t be near the man. If I have to smile past another of his disgusting comments on women…I will just. I have to live through this for four years of this.”

Her husband didn’t even look at her. “Maybe eight, if he is reelected.”

She walked over to him and held his hand tightly

“Is it worth it?”

The door closed as Eliot was escorted by the Communication Director who was embarrassed for leaving him alone to witness the argument between Vice President Elect Mike Pence and his wife.

“Someone wants to see you before you meet President Elect Trump,” Mike’s eyes finally met Eliot’s. The smartphones were secured in his breast pocket of his tuxedo. Eliot guzzled the champagne given by the young blonde and placed near a tray of empty glasses.

A secret service agent opened the door ushering Eliot into the only suite on the floor closed and secured. Mike the Communications stood at the threshold of the door. Eliot looked back at Mike. Mike nodded his head,signaling him to proceed as he stayed behind next to the secret service agent.

The suite room was large with three large television flat screens side by side on the wall. The Suite was lit by the television and the ten or so computers and smartphones staged around the room. The bed and couch were neatly prepared as no one ever slept or laid on them.

Next to the couch was an Elliptical and yoga mat. There was a table with four chair. A bowl of apples and granola bars.

At the edge of the suite, there was a person typing furiously. The desk chair covered her long tall frame. Blonde hair could be seen as the woman continued to type. Her head in the middle of a thought as the windows facing her desk displayed the Manhattan sky in the middle of winter.

She immediately swirled in her chair.

She slowly moved her head with her light eyes looking at the door. The door closed and Communications Mike and the secret service agent vanished.

“Mr. Trout. A pleasure to meet.”

A thin blonde woman with a professional tone, different from the ones celebrating the victory was in front of him.

Eliot was struck by her. It wasn’t her beauty as much as her way to control the environment. Her hand gestured to one of the chairs at the table with the bowl of fruit and granola bars.

Eliot sat and avoided eye contact with the blonde haired woman. He looked up at the television screen and there was the blond woman being interviewed. Below the video the following scrolled:

“Chief of Staff elect Kellyanne Conway lays the groundwork for Trump’s first 100 days”

Eliot courageously made eye contact with the Chief of Staff and former Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway.

“Mr. Trout. Quite an editorial.”

