the day the world was supposed to end — chapter 4

Joel Mendez
4 min readMar 7, 2016


The world was prepared for their certain death. The asteroid never hit and they survived. Now citizens try to rebuild a disordered world caused by panic and desperation of an end that never came. Everyone wants to know how the asteroid missed them. In a world controlled by local legions and militias and with communications systems destroyed survival can prove as difficult as to answers on why they survived.

A new chapter is released every Sunday afternoon/evening.

A link to chapter 3:

Gerald’s backpack contained his small bible, several water bottles, a hydration pack, a small fist aid kit, a hunting knife, a switchblade, 3 snickers bars, a box of trail mix bars and a 9mm glock. Gerald walked out of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory was once part of the government’s Manhattan project during WWII, in 2015 it became the largest research center in their efforts to save earth and now abandoned to only become a shelter for the Tennessee Legions and those who survived surviving the asteroid. Once it was clear science was not going to save the world, the laboratory equipment was shipped to Washington, D.C. as quietly as it had conducted research to save the world. The only thing left from the research facilities efforts were the dead bodies of brilliant scientists. They had committed suicide and were part of a larger group of the world preparing to end, know as the hangers. Unlike the listers, a majority of individuals of affluent individuals who escaped the coming end through a bucket list of extravagant trips and luxuries. The hangers were of all colors, backgrounds and creeds. They didn’t escape from the end but accepted the end on their terms.

The Oak Ridge research facilities were emptied of equipment and filled with dead scientists. A large poster sign inside the large window of the labs explained the toxins that poisoned the scientists. Behind the warning poster dead bodies were scattered. The Legion at Oak Ridge had discovered the labsand debated entering. This proved a challenge due to the secure ballistic proof doors and access only through a combination of key pad and retina scan. There was a thought the facility could have equipment for them to use. A small group of the Legion were motivated to open the door in hoping to discover a conspiracy plot. Steve had become the leader of the group and convinced them to not attempt to try to access the lab. Three days later, a smaller research lab was found with more dead scientists. The difference in this lab there was an orange colored construction taped sign placed next to the listing the toxins outside of the ballistic glass. It was brought to Steve, in a black sharpie it read:

“Not even with more time. Don’t enter. You will die. Go to Room 133. — A.W.”

Gerald read it over Steve’s shoulder. Gerald pondered on who was A.W. Did A.W. know some plain folks would arrive to the research site and needed a small orange paper as a warning against entering the lab. Steve lead a team to room 133, which was not far from the lab. Gerald looked through the window curious to see which dead brave soul was A.W. There were no faces to see as the men and women of this small lab lay face down. Gerald heard a scream and made his way to down the hall as he followed the scream. Room 133 was a large supply room. In the room were several rifles, handguns, and a large cases of alcohol. The scream came from a man opening cases of vodka. There was a strange disproportion of vodka to other hard liquors and wine. Steve held the skeleton glass bottle of vodka with a grin on his face and said “A.W is God.” As he composed himself he looked over to Shepard, “No offense Shepard but this is what he really wanted us to find.” He then held up several high frequency radios in the box. Gerald didn’t take offense but realized it was Steve’s way of acknowledging a higher power. Steve commanded one of the younger men to make his way back to the camp and advise others they needed more men to haul the equipment and before he started to make his way back, Steve tugged on his shirt to get his attention. “Tell them there is a lot of booze” as he looked deeply into his eyes. Steve turned and the young man took off after his instructions. Steve smiled “ We will have enough help for the booze, weapons and the the radios.”

Gerald had slowly walked away from Room 133, making his way back to the lab window holding the orange colored sign which had recently been placed on the window. He looked at the orange construction sign and tried to picture A.W. He wondered if this brave scientist had placed this sign as the gasses filled the room and although the world would end, he was extending a lifeline to humanity. He pictured him as a man of principle fighting against the other men of pure science where their failures in saving the world had made them bitter. A.W. would be the voice of reason. He held the sign and attempted to place it back on the window. Gerald realized the sign had been taped on the outside of the window. He looked at the well manicured sign that was posted at each of the labs at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Theses signs were posted inside the lab window where he could not pull down. He pondered and turned his head to the exit sign near the stairwell. His picture in his mind of A.W had changed.

