Architectural Rendering — 8 Common Problems and How to Resolve

JMN Design Source
5 min readDec 24, 2019


Architectural Rendering

With continually evolving technology, architectural rendering has become an essential part of attracting clients and investors today. Thanks to powerful software and hardware, designers have acquired the potential to create realistic renders of under-construction buildings, thus, helping developers sell more.

Believe it or not, architectural rendering services are not a seamless journey. Throughout the entire process, there are numerous aspects demanding undivided attention of the designer; hence, making him go through several hurdles.

Right from spending hours together on a picture or choosing a shortcut method, sometimes, people end up committing the most common mistakes unintentionally. Moreover, it can be quite an arduous task to figure out how to fix these problems as quickly as possible.

So, those who considered 3D rendering to be a cake-walk, this post comprises some of the common issues and their possible solutions. Have a read!

1. Few Bounces of Light:

Evidently, it takes a whole lot of time to render a single architecture piece. And, sometimes, just to cut short the time consumption, designers end up skipping a few light bounces.

Also known as indirect lighting or global illumination, light bouncing leaves an effect on the presentation of shadows. Basically, an adequate number of light bounces can make the shadows look darker or partially lit.

Although it doesn’t have a more significant impact on architectural 3D renders, since it is a photo-realistic issue, still, increasing the light bounces number can provide realism to the project; helping you impress the onlookers instantly.

2. Creating Scenes vs Fly-through View:

In 3D rendering services, creating an animation of the render can yield several advantages and can help in communicating as well as selling the idea. Generally, a majority of designers choose a fly-through view as it helps to present all sides of a building and highlighting the features incredible.

However, the process can turn out to be a dull one somewhere. But, if a designer chooses to break the animation into pertinent scenes, it can leave a long-lasting impression.

This technique can help involving the audience through affected cameras, exclusive lookouts, and design snippets.

3. Rendering Reflection:

There is no denying the fact that in a 3D rendering project, reflections play a vital role. Although any object is going to reflect some light, however, recreating the same in a realistic manner is quite a difficult task.

In architectural rendering, while unrealistic renders can be misleading, recreating glass or mirror surfaces is nothing less than a taxing task. Sure, certain buildings may seem to have sharp and straight edges; however, in reality, there is always an essence of roundness to it.

And, if the design fails to add that feature where reflections and light come into the picture, the entire rendering can turn out to be abnormal. Thus, in such a scenario, beveling can be used to fix this issue.

4. Having a Wrong Perspective:

In an architectural rendering studio, almost anything can work except for a wrong perspective. As far as photography is concerned, the angle of a camera is extremely essential. Not just it helps to keep distractions and imperfections at bay but can even enhance the architectural rendering in its most real sense as well.

Whenever a photo-realistic render is presented from an inaccurate perspective, it can lose its impact completely. Thus, it is crucial for designers to create a visualization that is realistic and immersive.

That is one of the reasons why the design should be kept at either a bird’s eye view or the eye-level. If you can go a bit further, both of these perspectives could be mixed as well for a better advantage.

5. Textures with High-Definition:

In the domain of architecture, textures have their own significant stand. It also makes them essential in architectural renderings too. With high-definition textures, designers can add a human touch to the entire project.

However, one of the common mistakes that people commit is overlooking the quality of texture in one or more parts of the design. This negligence can cause a considerable impact on the entire render.

Even if a single area of the design is left untouched, the texture effect of the entire design will be lost. Therefore, to avoid this mistake, it is recommended to use HD textures with a human touch to the renders and make them look more realistic.

6. Being Over Advanced:

Obviously, high-tech technology and architectural rendering software have been providing wings to the imagination of designers. And, there seems to be no denying the fact that most of them try to reinvent buildings designs exactly from a sci-fi movie. They could have uncommon details, unnatural features and more to attract clients.

The primary issue with this render type is that it looks too advanced. In a way, if the building is futuristic, clients would not be able to conceptualize and relate the design to the present era.

Eye-catching lighting, otherworldly background and an extensive amount of details will simply distract them from the design. Thus, the designer should concentrate more on making the building design look constructible in the present.

7. Periodic Recycling:

The internet has bestowed designers with a variety of figures and people that they can download for free and use them in their renders. While this could be the easiest way to design a render, considering that it doesn’t take enough efforts and time, this short-cut may arise several hassles as well.

To begin with, using the same figures and characters in different renders can be distracting for clients. Customers will start concentrating on the repetition than the main building of the design.

If you are recycling such objects occasionally, it would not be a big deal. However, you must be very careful while using and repeating these downloadable figures.

8. Designing Something Very Plain:

One of the motives of real-life photography is to tell a story. And, the same objective should be kept while providing 3D visualization services as well. If all you want to do is impress your clients, the only way out would be creating a fascinating and compelling story with renders.

Sure, the purpose of rendering is to show how a room or a building is going to look like. A basic room, however, with windows, doors and walls is not going to take you a long way.

Being a designer, you must infuse life into your designs. You can add basic furniture, put curtains on the window, paint the walls in different colours, and design doors uniquely to avoid making the design too simple.

Final Words:

All in all, there would be countless things that a designer should keep in mind while creating architectural renders. Although each designer has their own viewpoints and preferences, the mistakes mentioned above and solutions can prove out to be universal. Hence, try to avoid mistakes as much as possible to keep the clients engaged.

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JMN Design Source

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