Personal Reflection: Goals

Julia Smith
2 min readApr 16, 2019


Long-Term Goals

  • Attend graduate school and earn a masters in Sustainability and Conservation
  • Create/ run an organization that works to protect and create green spaces in urban areas, develop sustainable infrastructure in underprivileged areas, redesign cityscapes to have a lower resource footprint
  • Personally: live as close to carbon neutral as possible, eat 90% local food, grow some of my own produce

Year-long goals

  • Attempt indoor gardening in a small apartment (herb garden?)
  • Transition towards zero waste (or at least minimized waste) starting with bath products (bar soap instead of bottles, coconut oil lotions, wood toothbrush etc.)
  • Purchase almost exclusively organic, bulk, and in reusable containers

Month-long goals

  • Create writing/ research papers and projects on things that I think are worth sharing
  • Reach out to professors that inspire me with their sustainability work on campus and ask about getting involved
  • Start advocating for important causes on social media/ to my friends

Goal for today

  • Avoid producing any waste through packaging (food or otherwise)

Coffee & Climate — Flagstaff

Coffee and Climate is held on the second Friday of each month to discuss climate change in Flagstaff, Climate Plan updates, and pressing climate news. This would be a great networking opportunity for myself as I would be able to connect with other adults who are passionate and active in the climate action community.

Sunrise Movement — Tuscon and Phoenix

Created with the intention of supporting Ocasio Cortez’s Green New Deal, the Sunrise movement has morphed into a youth-led movement of protest against climate degradation. The Hubs in Arizona are Tuscon and Phoenix right now.

Compost on South Campus — NAU campus

While NAU does not have a very accessible composting system, I can bring food scraps and other compostable material to the compost pile on South campus to help eliminate the amount of landfill waste I produce.

Green Jacks — NAU campus

Green Jacks is an on-campus club of students that work on improving sustainability throughout NAU. They hold events such as trail clean-ups and they work on getting NAU different LEED sustainability certifications. I have not been able to participate with this club this year because my schedule conflicts with all of the weekly meetings, however, I hope to become involved next academic year.

