Real Estate Advertising Network to Make the Most of Every Campaign

James Smith
6 min readApr 24, 2023


Welcome to our blog about how to boost your real estate website with push ads. Push ads are a form of digital advertising that is becoming increasingly popular in the real estate industry.

Push ads are a great way to reach potential customers and increase your website’s visibility. In this blog, we’ll discuss the advantages of using push ads, how to create effective push campaigns, and how to measure the success of your push ads.

By the end of this blog, you’ll have the facts you need to incorporate push ads into your real estate website successfully. So let’s get started!

What are Push Ads?

Push Ads are digital advertising that uses notifications to reach users on their desktop and mobile devices. They are designed to be attention-grabbing and highly visible and can be used to promote products, services, and content.

Push Ads are usually delivered to users via a pop-up or banner and are triggered when users visit a particular website or open a specific app. They are designed to be intrusive and disruptive and grab users’ attention immediately. Push Ads contain rich media content, such as images and videos, and can include interactive features like click-through links and forms.

Push Ads are highly effective for marketing campaigns, as they can quickly reach many potential customers. They are also highly cost-effective, as they can be targeted to specific audiences and only delivered to those likely to be interested in the promoted product or service.

Advantages of using Push Ads

Push Ads are a great way to reach people and increase their engagement with your product or service. They are highly effective because they can target a specific audience and create a personalized experience.

The main advantages of using push ads are

1. Targeted Reach

Push Ads can be targeted to a specific group of people. This allows you to hone in on potential customers already interested in your product or service. You can also target by location, device, and other criteria to ensure your message reaches the right audience.

2. Increased Engagement

Push Ads provide an easy way to engage with users. They can announce new products, provide updates, and offer discounts. This helps keep your customers engaged and interested in your offerings.

3. Cost-Effective

Push Ads are relatively inexpensive compared to other advertising methods. This makes them an attractive option for companies with smaller budgets.

4. Easy to Create

Push Ads are easy to create and can be implemented quickly. This makes them an ideal solution for companies that need to get their messages out quickly and efficiently.

Push Ads are a great way to reach a specific audience and increase engagement with your product or service.

How to create effective Push Ad campaigns?

Creating effective Push Ad campaigns can be a great way to drive more traffic. Real estate ad network also use push ads for promotion. Here are some suggestions to help you make successful campaigns

1. Start with a clear goal

Before creating any campaigns, it’s essential to have a clear goal in mind. What do you hope to achieve? Are you looking to increase clicks, conversions, or sales? Make sure you have a specific goal in mind before you start planning your campaign.

2. Use creative visuals

Push Ads are a visual form of marketing, so it’s important to have visually appealing images and graphics. Use high-quality images to grab users’ attention and ensure your content stands out.

3. Personalize your message

A great way to boost engagement is to personalize your message. Include the user’s name in your ads, or add a sense of urgency to encourage users to take action.

4. Offer incentives

Offer incentives to encourage users to click on your ads. This could be anything from discounts to exclusive promotions.

5. Test different messages

You should always test different messages to see which ones perform better. This will help you refine your campaigns and deliver the best results.

6. Monitor performance

Monitor the performance of your campaigns closely. This will help you identify any weak points and make improvements. You can also

Creative Ads for Real Estate Websites

Real estate ads must be creative to stand out from the competition. Creative real estate ads can attract attention, engage potential buyers, and showcase properties freshly and excitedly.

One creative ad tactic that can be employed on real estate websites is animated or interactive ads. Ads with animation can make a property stand out from the sea of static images. Interactive ads can make a property more engaging by letting probable buyers explore the effects in virtual reality or 3D.

A second creative ad tactic for real estate websites is video ads. Videos can give potential buyers an immersive tour of a property from the outside to the inside. Videos can also be used to tell stories about the property, giving potential buyers a more personal connection to the property.

Best Real Estate Advertising Network:

7Search PPC is one of the best real estate ad networks available to agents and developers today. It effectively reaches potential customers and builds an online presence that will drive leads and conversions. With 7Search PPC, you can target customers based on their search queries, location, demographics, and other criteria.

This helps to ensure that your ads are seen by the right people and that your ROI is maximized. 7Search PPC also provides detailed analytics that allows you to follow the implementation of your campaigns and make necessary changes to improve results.

Additionally, the platform is easy to use and allows for customization so that you can tailor your campaigns to the needs of your target audience. Overall, 7Search PPC is an excellent real estate advertising network that will help you generate leads and increase your online visibility.

Tips for promoting your Real Estate websites with different Ad formats

1. Utilize Google Ads:

Google Ads is a powerful tool for advertising your real estate website. You can use it to target specific audiences, create customized campaigns, and measure results. With Google Ads, you can create text, images, videos, and display ads to reach potential buyers.

2. Leverage Social Media

Social media is a great way to reach out to potential buyers. Create compelling content and share it on your profiles to engage with your target audience. You can use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to promote your real estate website.

3. Invest in Paid Search

Paid search campaigns are an effective way to increase your website’s visibility. You can use platforms like Google Ads, Bing Ads, and Yahoo Ads to target relevant keywords and drive traffic to your website.

4. Try Out Native Ads

Native advertising is a powerful tool for reaching out to potential buyers. You can use native ads to display videos, images, and text content. This type of ad looks natural and blends in with the content on the website.

You can also contact real estate ad networks to promote your website and boost visibility.


Push ads are a great way to boost your real estate website and attract more viewers. With the right strategy, you can use push ads to target your audience and get your message across.

Using Real estate ad networks, you can increase visibility, reach new customers, and improve your website’s performance. Additionally, you can use push ads to create highly targeted campaigns that will generate more leads and conversions.

Along with push ads, you can also try above mentioned ad formats to boost your real estate websites quickly.

Real Estate Best ad networks for advertisers



James Smith

The real estate advertisement network is a powerful tool for both buyers and sellers. It allows them to easily find the best properties in their area.