Top 10 Silversun Pickups Songs

Jeff Degginger
4 min readNov 9, 2022

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Silversun Pickups is one of my favorite alternative rock groups. Having formed in 2000, the band is defined best by its lead singer Brian Aubert’s muted vocalizing and its front-loading of bassist Nikki Monninger’s riff-like patterns.

During their career, Silversun Pickups have released the following albums: Carnavas Swoon, Neck of the Woods, Better Nature Widow’s Weeds Physical Thrills. I’ve seen them three times and have enjoyed them since “Panic Switch” became a touchstone of 2010s rock radio. The following are my breakdowns of what I believe to be the best songs from their studio albums.

Listen along with the playlist here!

#10: Well Thought Out Twinkles

Immediately explosive and one of Brian’s best right-out rock riffs. Well Thought Out Twinkles isn’t the first track on 2006’s Carnavas, but it embodies the hard rock basis that Silversun Pickups works from throughout their discography. The lyrics on the earlier albums are less defined as Swoon had a lot to do with the eventual focus on internal monologues, mental health, and success.

#9: Out of Breath



Jeff Degginger

Non-Binary (all pronouns), Married, Lovely Daughters, Family First, Midwestern, Liberal, Poet, Drummer, and Writer