The effects of unjustifiable hierarchies and asymmetrical violence

Jonathan Mukes
15 min readOct 13, 2023


Context and Disclaimer

On October 7, 2023, Hamas executed one of the most devastating terrorist attacks in recent memory within the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This meticulously orchestrated assault, marked by its horrific number of victims, aimed to inflict mass casualties and secure hostages, adding to the litany of regrettable and unjustifiable acts of violence that have plagued the region for years. Tragically, the attack claimed the lives of over one thousand individuals, while dozens were abducted, forcibly separated from their families. In a coordinated effort, nearly a thousand Hamas militants surreptitiously infiltrated twenty locations, which included a music festival, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake.

The Israeli government responded with immediate force. Israel’s retaliation was marked by a series of relentless airstrikes, targeting 426 distinct locations within the Gaza Strip. Entire residential communities were reduced to rubble, and residential homes were obliterated, further compounding the humanitarian crisis. One airstrike reportedly claimed the lives of 19 members of the same family, none of whom were combatants, and who were not provided prior warnings. Palestinian hospitals were not spared, resulting in the loss of emergency personnel and an even more profound crisis in the already overstretched healthcare system. In light of these dire developments, Israel has established a war government. A total blockade has been imposed on the Gaza Strip, depriving the civilian population of critical resources such as fuel for generators, food for their families, and power for their basic necessities. The Israeli military has been strategically targeting locations, allegedly including the deployment of white phosphorus which is a particularly heinous war crime, with the aim of disrupting humanitarian aid efforts. The current Palestinian death toll has tragically surpassed two thousand people, with no immediate end to the violence in sight.

This essay is an analysis of the recent events involving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As we look into these horrifying events and their repercussions, it’s vital to cement some ground rules. First and foremost, we must emphasize that the loss of innocent lives can never be justified, regardless of the circumstances. Condemning acts of terrorism and war crimes should come naturally to you and I. These atrocities, no matter the cause one supports, must cease. We need to recognize that the sanctity of human life and individual autonomy transcends any cause or belief we may hold.

Secondly, it’s crucial to acknowledge the violence we witness is not random; it’s an integral part of a conflict that has spanned over seventy years in this region. Understanding the complexities and historical context as well as analyzing the structures that exacerbate the conflict, is essential to making informed judgments. So, as I explore these events, I plan to do so with a mindful awareness of the depth and complexity of the situation at hand.

Familiar Rhetoric

I stumbled upon the news through social media. I made the unfortunate choice to explore various corners of the internet in search of public sentiment regarding the unfolding crisis. What I found was reminiscent of echoes from other conflicts, particularly the Russo-Ukrainian crisis. War drums were being beaten, and Israel had already begun participating in retaliatory war crimes, intensifying the cycle of violence and tragedy. The lines were swiftly drawn, and the online world mirrored the real one, as “Team Israel” and “Team Palestine” clashed. Reactionary voices and opinions appeared eager to support and empower the already near-infinitely funded military-industrial complex, with a two-billion-dollar supplementary funding package in the works by congress. This felt like the new norm — an era where even attempting to analyze the situation or utter the phrase “Free Palestine” could paint you as a “typical terrorist enjoyer,” who bathed in the blood of the innocent. Obviously a joke, and not at all representative of reality, but in certain online spaces, it’s not that far from the truth.

The rhetoric I encountered, advocating for Israeli violence, was oddly familiar. Familiar, not in the context of international conflict, but similar to rhetoric closer to home. Much closer than Ukraine. The reactionaries, true to form, entrenched themselves in unwavering positions, championing policies that would restore the status quo, regardless of the violence inflicted on innocent lives. The intriguing aspect of this wave of reactionary ideas is their striking resemblance to racial anti-Black “logic” that has long haunted our discourse. It’s a terrain many of us who delve into economic and social justice have encountered, especially when our skin lacks paleness and our hair refuses to straighten. Conversations about progressive race policies in America consistently descend into the familiar realm of discussing the 13/52 statistic, the “fatherless households” stereotype, or the portrayal of some Black communities as inherently violent and dangerous.

These arguments rarely seek to address the root causes of the issues facing Black Americans. Instead, they employ misleading statistics and supposed “evidence” to justify violence, both physical and structural. The obvious counterpoint is that the material conditions of Black communities are notably worse than others, a direct result of institutional and structural racism that eroded and continues to erode those conditions. To uplift these communities, we must confront historical injustices and dismantle the systems and hierarchies perpetuating inequality and exploitation. It’s a telling observation that when communities, regardless of race, enjoy affluence, cohesion, programs for their youth, parks, ample food, and resources, violence recedes. It clearly shows the idea that improving material conditions serves as a powerful antidote to violence.

The Crisis in Gaza

To truly analyze the violence in the region and seek meaningful solutions, we need to take a closer look at the conditions faced by the Palestinian people. The situation in the Gaza Strip, controlled by Hamas, offers an example of the extreme challenges and violence that have persisted in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. For the past sixteen years, Gaza has been subjected to an Israeli blockade. This blockade has had a devastating impact, severely restricting the movement of both people and goods in and out of the region. The economic hardships resulting from this isolation are rampant. High unemployment rates, limited access to clean water, and chronic electricity shortages have kept the population into a horrible economic situation. Poverty and food insecurity have become even more commonplace.

Gaza-Israeli Border

Even though Israel formally withdrew from Gaza in 2005, it still maintains strict control over the region’s borders, water, and airspace. This control effectively isolates Gaza, making it nearly impossible for the people there to have international trade, travel, and access essential services. The blockade has wreaked havoc on the region’s economy, leading to persistent unemployment and rendering a significant portion of the population dependent on humanitarian aid for their basic needs. Economic opportunities have been stifled, while import restrictions have halted further development. Along with the economic crisis, access to vital services has been negatively impacted. Healthcare facilities in Gaza are routinely plagued by shortages of medical supplies and essential equipment. Educational institutions face a scarcity of resources, resulting in overcrowded classrooms and limited to no opportunities for students. This directly affects the prospects and future opportunities of the youth in the region. The challenges related to clean water and proper sanitation in Gaza cannot be understated. Less that four percent of the water in Gaza is drinkable and the surrounding sea is heavily contaminated with sewage. The limited availability of water resources, combined with the ongoing conflict, has exacerbated these issues, further endangering public health. Keep in mind that the median age in the Gaza Strip is 18 years old.

The West Bank

The West Bank is a region segmented by a distinct division into three main areas: Area A, Area B, and Area C, each marked by varying degrees of authority and control. This division shapes the living conditions experienced by the local population. Area A falls under the full control of the Palestinian Authority (PA). Life in these areas is akin to that in self-governed Palestinian territories, with basic services being provided by the PA. Moving to Area B, the situation shifts; here, control is shared, between Palestinian civil authority and Israeli security. Living conditions in Area B can fluctuate, dependent on the level of cooperation between the PA and Israeli authorities. Finally, Area C is under complete Israeli control, presenting a range of challenges for its residents. Palestinians in this area often encounter restrictions on construction, land use, and movement, which, in turn, limit their access to basic services and opportunities for land development.

Area C makes up 60% of the West Bank

Adding to these challenges are the growing number of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The presence of these settlements significantly impacts living conditions. These settlements are constructed on land that legally belongs to Palestinians but is claimed by Israelis. This ongoing dispute gives rise to evictions and limitations on Palestinian movement and development. Israeli military checkpoints and barriers have a dual role: enhancing security and introducing disruptions to daily life for Palestinians. Tensions frequently flare due to the continual expansion of Israeli settlements and the ongoing land disputes. Palestinians face the reality of land confiscations, demolitions, and displacement, directly impacting their living conditions and their access to essential resources. Even more distressing are the accounts of armed Israeli settlers engaging in violence and harassment against Palestinian civilians, often resulting in property damage and, at times, physical confrontations and violence. This hostile behavior fosters an atmosphere of insecurity and fear among Palestinian civilians. Remarkably, these settlers operate with little to no accountability, as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) serve as the primary police and military force in the West Bank. The IDF’s alignment with Israeli settlers in nearly all situations only intensifies these tensions, leaving Palestinian residents to grapple with the repercussions of this fractured landscape.

Exploitation of Labor

Following the aftermath of the Six-Day War and the economic crisis, Palestinians turned to working illegally in Israel as a means to earn income. They soon became an invaluable source of cheap, readily available labor, filling the ranks of “unskilled” positions upon which the Israeli economy heavily relied. The sheer number of low-wage Palestinian laborers spanning various sectors inevitably led to a general decline in average wages. The implications of this economic crisis run deeper, as it indirectly allows a level of control over employment rates of Palestine, to Israel. The restrictions on the movement of Palestinian workers not only add to the influence Israel exerts over the employment landscape but also create a reservoir of labor that can be tapped into whenever the need for unskilled labor arises.

For Palestinians, the labor market within Israel is essentially a “managed market,” subject to political decisions originating in Israel, rather than aligning with the political, economic, or social directives of the Palestinian Authority. Israeli policy in this realm is shaped by a myriad of factors, encompassing economic, strategic, and security considerations, which shift according to changing circumstances and the specific region in focus. Orchestrating this labor dynamic, Israel effectively maintains control over the Palestinian territories, including the West Bank and Gaza Strip, by way of its grip on the Palestinian economy. At the heart of Israel’s approach lies a security and political imperative, aimed at preserving the status quo and mitigating the Palestinian struggle and their political demands through the avenue of employment. This intricate web of economic and political factors underscores the complex interplay between Israel and Palestinian labor, and sheds light on the consequences of these intertwined relationships. These relationships, which are not on even footing, are a symptom of a massive power imbalance between the two groups. Israel controls Palestinian’s economy, resources and borders.

Uneven Footing During the Conflict

The Palestinian people are undeniably facing oppression and genocide. Their economic autonomy is severely constrained, infrastructure issues persist, and are often exacerbated by the deliberate actions of the Israeli government. Food, water, and fuel shortages have become all too common, largely due to Israeli blockades that restrict access to these vital resources. The Palestinian population endures violence from Israeli settlers, who are gradually displacing them from homes that have been lived in for generations. This violence is not confined to settlers; the state of Israel itself also exerts force and violence against the Palestinian people. Hospitals and healthcare facilities in Palestine are frequently targeted without warning, placing an already beleaguered healthcare system under immense strain. Movement restrictions are so extreme that many Palestinians are hesitant to leave their homeland, as re-entry is often denied. These restrictions serve the interests of Israeli settlers who are supported by the IDF in their efforts to occupy Palestinian land. The Palestinian people grapple with a sense of political and economic isolation.

It’s important that this situation is named for what it is — an open-air prison, overseen by a fascist government that practices a form of apartheid and is sustained with the backing of the Western Imperial Core. This directly parallels historical structures of oppression, where African and African-descendant communities have often been subject to similar imperial designs, as well as political, sexual, and gender minorities who have faced various degrees of physical, economic, political, and structural violence. In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, this violence is often asymmetrical, each side entangled in a cycle of retaliation and suffering, while one side holds a vast power imbalance.

Structural Analysis

While delving into the historical causes of the conflict is essential for understanding its roots, our focus here is on the current structure — how it perpetuates a dire humanitarian crisis and deteriorating conditions, and its inherently violent nature. It is a complex and nuanced issue, with profound consequences for all those involved, and it warrants our attention and scrutiny.

Unjustifiable Hierarchies and Their Use in Exploitation

Unjustifiable hierarchies represent social, political, or economic structures where individuals or groups wield power over others without their explicit and voluntary consent. This power is often maintained through coercion, force, or systems that perpetuate inequality, inevitably leading to the oppression, exploitation, or deprivation of those subjected to it. Power in this context means the capacity to permit or resist change. Not all hierarchies are inherently unjustifiable, but those lacking consent and upheld through violence certainly are. Unjustifiable hierarchies are illegitimate unless they can be justified on the grounds of mutual agreement, equality, and freedom. In almost all cases they should be replaced with more equitable and decentralized forms of organization. These hierarchies essentially exist to serve the interests of the oppressors, and their preservation typically necessitates violence.

The various forms of unjustifiable hierarchies enforced upon minority communities are fundamentally rooted in a massive power imbalance. When these hierarchies emerge, they are frequently employed to exploit individuals or manipulate situations, granting the ruling class even more power. This, in turn, deepens the power imbalance, leading to further oppression of the already marginalized groups and reinforcing the hierarchy. Violence is both the catalyst for the establishment of these hierarchies and the means through which they are sustained. What this means is that the existence of an unjustifiable hierarchy is inherently violent, regardless of whether individuals are currently experiencing explicit suffering or if the structure is actively engaging in exploitation. These structures have often been exploited economically during colonialism or imperialism, siphoning valuable resources from weaker nations into the coffers and economies of the more powerful ones. This process, in turn, generates worsening material conditions, resulting in a population of impoverished, desperate workers, thereby facilitating easier exploitation.

It becomes a vicious cycle: from power to the unjustifiable hierarchy as a tool of exploitation, the deterioration of material conditions, and the creation of wealth and further power for the ruling class. For the oppressed, the only meaningful means to end unnecessary and unjustified violence is to address and improve their material conditions. Permanently addressing these conditions necessitates the removal of unjustifiable hierarchies that exploit and degrade them. Disentangling and dismantling systems of power is rarely a straightforward or nonviolent process. Such efforts typically demand a combination of methods and are intricate, multifaceted endeavors.

Top Down Dismantlement

Dismantling these hierarchies presents complex challenges, often involving a spectrum of strategies and outcomes. One approach is abnegation, wherein those in power voluntarily reject and dismantle structures that underpin their hierarchical authority. However, this path is relatively rare, as many of these structures incentivize the further exploitation of the oppressed. Nevertheless, instances of abnegation do occur, as seen when a top-down business willingly reorganizes itself into a worker-owned cooperative, shifting the position of power from the few to the many.

Conversely, the inverse of this process is domination, wherein the ruling class chooses to simply remove the marginalized group from the equation. However, this approach is also uncommon, as the existence of the marginalized often serves to benefit the ruling class. It’s essential to understand that a power balance does not exist in isolation. This lack of isolation hasn’t deterred certain colonial or fascist powers from engaging in genocide, employing rhetoric and violence in an attempt to obliterate the marginalized. Regrettably, this is often the “solution” proposed by some “apolitical” people when discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — a perspective that advocates bombing the Gaza Strip and forcibly removing Palestinians from the West Bank. However, this is not a valid solution and will inevitably result in more innocent civilians losing their lives, which is what we are seeing happen now.

Bottom Up Dismantlement

The responsibility for dismantling the source of unjustifiable hierarchical power should never rest on the shoulders of those who are its victims, yet, tragically, it often does. From the perspective of the marginalized, there appear to be two primary courses of action: revolution or revolt. A revolution is essentially a large-scale, coordinated, bottom-up transformation. It is typically a form of organized struggle, though it need not be inherently violent, though violence can certainly arise during it. Revolution requires time, planning, and a degree of solidarity among those involved. Revolts, on the other hand, take a different path. They tend to be more spontaneous and are often driven by the worsening conditions imposed by the hierarchy. Revolts demand immediate change and are frequently marked by more violent means. Violence becomes far more common in this form of struggle, reflecting the urgency and desperation that underlies it. The decision between these options is a complex and weighty one, with consequences that resonate far beyond the initial act of resistance.

In this case study of unjustifiable hierarchies, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict stands as an example of the challenges faced when striving for lasting peace. While the ideal resolution is simply revolution that leads to peaceful abnegation, one that concludes without violence, and instead with justice, and mutual respect, the current trajectory suggests otherwise. As the ruling class increasingly leans towards domination, violence and revolt become a distressingly natural consequence.

The Only Nonviolent Solution

It is crucial to acknowledge that violence, particularly against civilians and noncombatants, can never serve as a valid or morally justifiable solution. The suffering and loss that violence inflicts upon innocent lives are unacceptable and can only perpetuate further suffering, ultimately exacerbating the very issues we seek to address. It is crucial to denounce violence as a general solution, and just to be clear, the existence of the unjustifiable hierarchy is also violence. Our shared responsibility is to work toward a world where unjustifiable hierarchies are dismantled, leaving no room for oppression, exploitation, or deprivation.

In the midst of the heart-wrenching humanitarian crises that unfolds daily, I find myself grappling with a disconcerting reality. As onlookers, we sometimes hold on to the notion of a “perfect victim,” particularly when the oppressive force in question happens to be an ally. This romanticization permeates our media coverage, political discourse, and even our collective sentiment. It’s almost as though we expect the oppressed to win some PR battle before we grant them the slightest sliver of sympathy, even as their families are displaced, and they endure the harrowing weight of asymmetrical violence that often remains shrouded in obscurity.

Let it be clear that the rejection of Islamist fundamentalism and the unequivocal condemnation of the murder of innocent civilians stand as non-negotiable principles. No one should ever experience such unspeakable horrors. However, it is also important that an increasing number of people recognize that this violence will not cease if Israel continues to justify and perpetuate the worsening conditions endured by the Palestinian people — those who are not combatants but merely wish to lead lives free from fear. The sole pathway to lasting resolution in this enduring conflict is the dismantling of unjustifiable hierarchies that perpetuate the suffering, and deteriorating material conditions of an entire population.

The only way to achieve this objective is to liberate Palestine.

