How a 60-Second Walk Can Transform Your Thoughts

Aditya Jain
3 min readSep 1, 2023


Photo by David Werbrouck on Unsplash

In my busy day, I often find myself stuck, whether it’s in the middle of a task, or I’m just drawing a blank when I need some creative ideas. We have quick access to Google or AI for solutions, but sometimes, that’s not enough.

What if you’re looking for more than just a straightforward answer? What if you need a burst of creativity and your mind seems to have hit a roadblock?

I’ve tried various strategies, from listening to music to even taking power naps, but what recently clicked for me was the simple act of walking.

Walking, I’ve discovered, is like a secret weapon when it comes to getting unstuck, whether it’s in writing, dancing, or any creative endeavor. While exercise, in general, can boost your energy, there’s something uniquely magical about walking that helps unlock creativity and ideas that seem to pop out of thin air.

There’s science to back this up too. Studies have shown that walking can enhance mental capacity in humans. It’s like a mental refresh button, providing clarity and fresh perspectives.

Let me share a personal trick with you. Whenever I find myself unable to string words together for an article or struggling to come up with dance moves, I step away from my work for just 60 seconds and take a walk. It might be around my desk — the location doesn’t matter. What matters is that I’m in motion.

It works like a charm. Those few steps free up my thoughts, and ideas start flowing. Points and insights that I could have easily missed while staring at a screen suddenly become clear as day.

Here are a few reasons why walking can be your secret weapon to combat being stuck:

  1. Stress Reduction: Walking is known to reduce stress and anxiety. When you’re stuck, stress can be a major roadblock. A simple walk can help clear your mind, calm your nerves, and make you feel more relaxed. This, in turn, can open up the floodgates of creativity and problem-solving.
  2. Movement Sparks Creativity: The act of walking itself can be a creative catalyst. As you move your body, your thoughts also flow more freely. This can lead to new ideas, connections, and solutions you might not have considered while sitting still.
  3. Fresh Air, Fresh Ideas: Stepping out into the open air can do wonders for your brain. The change in scenery and exposure to natural elements can stimulate your mind and help you think more clearly. It’s like a mental reset button that allows you to approach problems with a fresh perspective.
  4. Disconnect and Reconnect: In our fast-paced, digitally connected world, we rarely take the time to disconnect from screens and reconnect with ourselves. Walking provides an opportunity to unplug, think without distractions, and tune in to your inner thoughts.
  5. Inspiration Awaits: You’d be surprised at the unexpected sources of inspiration you can stumble upon during a walk. It could be a colorful storefront, a snippet of conversation from passersby, or the beauty of nature itself. Inspiration often hides in plain sight.

The best part about this “walk to unstick” method is that it’s accessible to almost everyone, anywhere, and at any time. Whether you prefer a leisurely stroll through a park, a brisk walk around your neighborhood, or even just pacing around your office — the act of walking can free your mind from the constraints of being stuck.

So, next time when you’re stuck on a project or need to summon your creative genius, don’t just sit there pondering or endlessly scrolling through search results. Take a walk.

Let the power of walking transform your thoughts, and if stuck, see how walking can be your way out.

You’ll find the clarity and creativity you need to push forward.

Thanks for reading.



Aditya Jain

Writing to transmute my thoughts into physical equivalent.