Illuminating My Way Through Uncertainty

Aditya Jain
3 min readSep 12, 2023


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Ever felt like life’s one big, wild dance, with each step helping you discover who you truly are? Yet, at every stage, you find yourself stumbling over decisions and struggling to connect the dots for that elusive clarity.

I started my solo dance journey in the most unlikely of places — my living room. Armed with YouTube tutorials and sheer determination, I began to dance my heart out. Yes, I tripped, twirled into walls, and occasionally knocked over a lamp or two, but I was having a blast. There was something exhilarating about dancing without the pressure of perfection.

As I danced, I discovered my own style and my unique rhythm. I wasn’t trying to mimic anyone else anymore; I was dancing to the beat of my own tune. The freedom was intoxicating, and I couldn’t get enough of it.

As I got older, I got into various kinds of dance styles from lyrical to hip-hop. Dance wasn’t just a hobby for me; it became my escape, my joy, and my primary mode of self-expression.

But then came the tough part. When it was time for me to graduate, I had to decide: should I follow my dance dreams or go for a “safe” career? I ended up choosing the safe route, heading to college for something totally unrelated to dance. While I did my academic thing, my passion for dance didn’t just disappear; my love for dance simmered quietly in the background, patiently waiting for the right moment to resurface.

Now, here I am, contemplating my next move. Should I dive headfirst into the predictable world of a 9-to-5 job, complete with its routine and stability?

It’s tempting, especially when bills need to be paid, and responsibilities are piling up. Or should I take a leap of faith and start my own business, pursuing an entrepreneurial dream that’s been on the back burner for far too long? The idea of being my own boss and following my own path is undeniably alluring.

Then there’s the dream that’s been dancing in my heart all these years — to chase my passion for dance like never before. It’s that exhilarating yet terrifying notion of turning my love for dance into a full-fledged career.

The thought of sharing my passion with the world, choreographing routines, performing, and living the life I’ve always dreamed of is undeniably appealing. However, amid challenges and competition, will I attain greatness? Will I achieve fame, and most importantly, will I be able to generate sufficient income for my livelihood?

Each of these paths has its own set of pros and cons, and I’m left with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. It’s a decision that will shape not just my career but my entire life.

So, here I stand, at this crossroads, juggling the possibilities, and hoping that somehow, the dots of my life will connect and lead me to a future where I can find fulfillment, purpose, and happiness.

Life is indeed a journey of connecting the dots, gaining clarity, and making decisions.

In this moment of uncertainty, I find myself yearning for that clarity to illuminate my way forward. Each choice before me represents a dot, and I hope that as I make these decisions, they will eventually connect to reveal the bigger picture of my life’s purpose and fulfillment.

It’s a challenging and exciting journey, and I can only hope that the steps I take now will lead me to a future where I can look back and say, “I made the right choice, and I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.” and most importantly where I deserve to be.

Thanks for reading.



Aditya Jain

Writing to transmute my thoughts into physical equivalent.