How I passed the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification: Study Plan + Tips

3 min readApr 21, 2023


I took and passed the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification on April 21st, 2023. I prepared an intensive week long curriculum in order to pass the exam. In this article, I will provide the resources I used in order to study for, and pass the exam. Hopefully this will help those of you who are interested in learning the technology and getting certified!

  1. Anki

Anki is a free flashcard app that utilizes spaced repetition in order to understand and memorize concepts. I organized 5 Anki decks consisting of questions from 5 different exams I pulled from Udemy courses. I will make the flashcards publicly available, or upon request if taken down. I recommend going through every single deck at least once a day in order to get familiar with the questioning and answers that will be on the AWS exam.

2. Neal Davis’s Exam Walkthrough

Neal’s exam walkthrough was absolutely essential for my success of the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam. I recommend taking the practice tests that he provides first, reading the explanations, and then going through the course while taking notes on every question. I also recommend plugging in the practice test questions into Anki in and practicing every day in order to really drill in the information. Taking this course essentially provides a simulation of what the exam will be like as well as asks questions that are almost identical to what will be on the exam.

3. Free Code Camp’s AWS Walkthrough

Skimming through this course will be a useful strategy for preparing for the AWS exam. The video provides an overview of what will be on the exam, including the structure, content, and format of the exam. It also provides a hands on look into the AWS console and what working with AWS is actually like. Watching the whole thing is not necessary but will definitely provide an advantage for understanding the nooks and crannies withing certain AWS services.

Anki Decks:

