Dec 24, 2022

Trilithon Baalbek

The Trilithon is a group of three large stone blocks that were part of the Temple of Jupiter at the ancient site of Baalbek in Lebanon. These blocks are believed to have been cut and transported from a quarry located some distance away, and their size and weight are truly impressive. The largest of the three blocks, known as the Hajar al-Hibla, is approximately 21 meters (69 feet) long, 4.3 meters (14 feet) wide, and 5.5 meters (18 feet) high, and is estimated to weigh around 1,000 tons. The other two blocks, known as the Hajar al-Aswad and the Hajar al-Mouhassan, are slightly smaller but still quite impressive in their own right. The Trilithon is a testament to the engineering skills and technical prowess of the ancient peoples who built it, and it remains an impressive and awe-inspiring sight to this day.