Jonna Vyasulu
Mar 27, 2021

Seven To Heaven

Your frankincense scent is indelible on my skin like lace on snowflakes.

The graceful line of your ribs is written on my body like graphite on parchment.

Your mouth and tongue have etched fiery trails on my inner thighs like veins of gold trapped in granite.

Your gentle voice flows into my submerged soul like a waterfall cuts through solid rock.

Your unforgettable smile and the light in your eyes is like a star shooting through my silent sky.

This reckless craving for your fingers to tenderly linger for a while like a forgotten violin.

Oh Deep – so deep, do you even realise?


Jonna Vyasulu

Communications Obsessor. Brand & Marketing Fiend. Partnerships Evangelist. Content LadyBoss. Poet. Music Lover. Film Noir. Slow Traveller. Kairos.