First Formal Blockchain Education Program in Vietnam: Course One Kickoff

6 min readApr 28, 2017


Vietnam’s burgeoning blockchain community witnessed a momentous event at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology on Saturday April 15 when the inaugural course in the first formal blockchain education program in Vietnam took place. More than 20 eager students gathered in a classroom to learn the basics behind blockchain technology from the Vietnam’s leading experts. The class, which will meet twice a week for a month, introduces students to the theories behind blockchain and discusses its potential applications and potential.

Vietnamese companies, entrepreneurs, and government entities know about blockchain as a theoretical concept, but have no experience with its implementation. This course, simply the first in a series, is designed to respond to that reality by producing experienced engineers who are prepared to implement blockchain technology into real world settings and nationally-funded research projects. Conceived of by Do Van Long of Infinity Blockchain Labs, the program is a natural partnership between IBL and the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. IBL is the industry leader in blockchain research and development while Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology is the nation’s flagship technology teaching and research university in Vietnam and first to successfully achieve ABET Accreditation (U.S Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) for their Computer Science & Computer Engineering programs. By combining their areas of expertise, the course presents complete yet accessible information.

Building the Foundation for Blockchain Success

Following this first four-week course, a six-week course in which students build an actual working demo on the blockchain will begin. In the third and final eight-week course, students will join existent projects at Infinity Blockchain Labs, gaining working knowledge of the technology and its real-world use. Beyond having the know-how to join R&D companies already working with technology, the goal is to have graduates of the course become leaders in implementing blockchain into health, finance, government and entertainment fields.

Ambitious Plans

The Blockchain Education Program is the result of months of collaboration between Cardano Lab / Infinity Blockchain Labs and the university. The partnership has produced many ambitious plans such as translating relevant books and material into Vietnamese, dispersal of online materials and resources, and teacher training programs so as to ensure that Vietnam becomes the world leader in blockchain R&D.

Prof. Nam, the Director of the training center and Mr.Yamamoto, President of IBL, came to encourage the students on their first day and promise further opportunities and programs

Expert Attention

To be the best, one needs to learn from the best. And one of the greatest values of the course and reason to be confident in its success lies in the knowledge and experience of the experts involved. The course lecturers include:

Dr. Huynh Tuong Nguyen, a faculty member at Ho Chi Minh City University, is an expert in algorithms and resolutions (simulation, modeling & optimization) for real-life problems including: manufacturing scheduling, transportation problems, education management and assessment, digital currency and cryptography. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Fran¸cois Rabelais University and his work has appeared in Asian Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Scheduling and Mathematical Problems in Engineering.

Dr. Nguyen An Khuong a lecturer and researcher at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology is an expert in cryptography, coding theory, algorithmic number theory. He is the editor of the Bulletin of Vietnamese Mathematical Society, and co-translator of the Vietnamese editions of Modern Industrial Statistics: with applications in R, MINITAB and JMP by R. Kenett, S. Zacks and Elements by Euclid of Alexandria.

Nguyen Duc Dinh Nghia received his bachelors of engineering degree in computer science from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, and his masters in transportation optimization from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. His research included projects such as “The School Bus Routing & Visualization”, “Implicit Feedback for Recommendation System” and “Determining Reasonable Alternative Paths for Travelling in City by Public Transports”.

Mai Duc Trung works at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. He received his masters in engineering from James Cook University, Australia and a bachelors in computers science from Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. His current research interest includes image processing, natural language processing and blockchain technology applied in management and education.

Course Support and Implementation for the course is provided by the following Caradano Lab / Infinity Blockchain Lab members:

Do Van Long, President Office Director at Infinity Blockchain Labs, has 16 years of experience in IT including 9 years as Head of Research & Development at the Institute of Information Technology — Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology and 7 years as a Chief Technology Officer. He specializes in creating open source solutions related to science & technology, grid computing projects for global networking, business management and financial systems (ERP, CRM, Accounting, Business Intelligence). In addition to his current work related to preparing Infinity Blockchain Labs projects for global markets, he is establishing educational relationships with the nation’s top universities such as Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Da Nang University of Science and Technology, Binh Duong University, Can Tho University, and Institute of Information Technology of Vietnam National University.

Nguyen Viet Anh is a President Office Director at Infinity Blockchain Labs. After graduating from the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, he spent 2 years working as a software developer in the Japanese market, 5 years working as an IT administrator at Saigon Tax Trade Central (controlling all servers/clients/telecom material), and 3 years as a business representative for a Thai ceramic company dealing with such top companies India, New Zealand, Italy and Germany. Before joining Infinity Blockchain Lab, he founded a company that imported European crystals and exported completed art to the United States. He currently works in creating educational partnerships with universities and connects with law firms regarding RegTech.

An On-Going Project

The successful launch of the course and Education Program aroused great excitement amongst the students, teachers and anyone interested in a robust community of blockchain experts in Vietnam. With so many promising courses, projects and initiatives on the horizon, we hope you will join for the adventure. Please contact Do Van Long ( or reach out below for more information about us, the course and registration.

Watch ViTV coverate of the event here:

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English Nicole Nguyen (

Japanese Muuto Morikawa(

