Hiring Top AI Talent: What You Need to Know

Joanna Riley
4 min readMay 14, 2020


Artificial intelligence (AI) has helped to improve the hiring and onboarding process at numerous organizations, regardless of the industry. For those companies that have been bold enough to incorporate AI, it is quickly becoming an ideal solution. Along with that comes an increasing need to fill openings in AI across various fields. The number of jobs in AI is expected to increase in the coming years, and the strides that AI and machine learning (ML) professionals have made in collecting data have made them ideal solutions for finding new AI-specific talent.

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

For candidates who are trained in AI technology, recruitment and hiring criteria are highly specific. Since artificial intelligence and machine learning are constantly improving, candidates face the unique challenge of keeping their skills fresh in an ever-changing industry. As the requirements change, it is becoming more difficult to choose the most qualified candidate. In the following, we will take a look at how AI can help in hiring the right candidates for AI-related positions.

Training Will Be Key to Help HR Professionals Identify AI-Related Skill Sets

AI recruitment can be tricky. Not only do candidates need to be well-trained and flexible enough to adapt to rapid change, but recruiters also need to understand what criteria to look for in applicants for these positions. So, what qualities should recruiters seek out in AI-trained candidates?

Aside from formal education and training, the ideal candidate will possess a creative mindset and natural curiosity. Individuals who understand how to interpret AI-generated data and quickly learn new concepts will be among the most desirable candidates.

HR professionals should be trained on the basics of AI so that they can better craft position descriptions and job announcements. Companies have to consider that it takes experience to hire in this field and must be willing to invest in whatever is needed to develop a successful AI system. Knowing what the current industry standard is, along with the day-to-day functions of the job, will be critical in identifying top AI talent.

While HR professionals have systems in place to make recruiting and hiring easier, many of these are outdated compared to the capabilities of AI. Aside from knowing what to look for in potential employees, HR professionals also need training in how to effectively use more sophisticated AI-driven systems. Tools such as chatbot and other advanced technologies can prove useful in screening candidates and putting HR professionals in direct contact with the most qualified talent. HR staff who are knowledgeable about AI recruitment tools — both their benefits and limitations — will be able to attract top talent and keep them engaged throughout the hiring process, and increase retention as time goes on.

The demand for qualified machine learning candidates is continuing to grow, which requires the ability to attract and retain AI talent. Machine learning requires superior critical thinking and analytical skills, and candidates with this type of training need to know that they will be supported by their employer. Essentially, companies need to stay up to speed as AI and machine learning make their way into more industries and be prepared as further innovations emerge.

Obtaining Insights from Industry Insiders in the Area of AI

Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash

Some companies don’t have access to the resources needed to reach the AI candidates they desire. The reasons vary greatly, but for organizations that do not have the time or manpower to engage in extensive AI-focused HR training, outsourcing to a qualified agency may be the most appropriate decision. Artificial intelligence is so niche-specific that it may be smarter to enlist the help of an experienced firm, at least initially. Outsourcing can prevent the need to weed through unqualified candidates on application platforms, as these companies are well versed in locating the best candidates for AI positions.

Another recruitment technique involves partnering with colleges and universities with solid AI technology programs. This recruitment strategy, which is commonly used in a variety of other industries, allows new graduates to find degree-related positions while providing companies with access to candidates who have been recently trained. New graduates will be prepared for entry-level AI positions, and interested companies can provide internships that will put them on track for permanent AI-related positions.


The expansion of machine learning continues to increase the demand for talent that can properly fill emerging positions. Without the tools that large companies have, smaller organizations or those who have not fully adopted AI must implement some of these methods in order to hire the talent that they need.

Whether you are building your team internally or creating a new one, the time to begin training and advancing your company is now. AI shows no signs of slowing down, and although there is no way to know what advancements will come in the future, it is easier to adapt when your company is prepared for change.



Joanna Riley

Joanna Riley, a technology sector entrepreneur, investor, and mentor based in San Francisco, co-founded Censia in 2017.