Ananda Devi
4 min readNov 13, 2022


By Joanna Marie Fojas

My first encounter with Mohanji was way back 2018, it started when I was looking for an information about NAGA LOKA then I came across this blog of Mohanji with all the details, brief history and info about beings from this loka and Nityananda Ganeshpuri. As I was reading it I said to myself ‘This is written by a Genuine and Authentic Master’ pertaining to Mohanji, because only an authentic Master could reached this lokas and access this unknown info and knowledge about these advanced beings. After reading the article I searched for the writer and read a few short articles on the blog, I told myself… “Joanna, not another Guru’’ satisfied with the information I got, I closed the website and forgot about it.

During this phase of my life I was devoted and connected to Swami Sathya Sai Baba. I love Swami with all my heart and soul and whenever I think of Him my heart would swell and tears would flow from so much love and Divine reverie. So going to another Guru/Master is not an importance to me since I am already connected to GOD, Cosmic Avatar Sathya Sai Baba. Although I haven’t met Swami physically I had plenty of spiritual experience and miracles from Him and one of this is my first memorable trip the HOLY LAND OF INDIA arranged by Swami with the help of another Sathya Sai devotee Yogi Kumar.

Yogi Kumar, a Baba devotee, advance yogi, yoga and reiki teacher whom I met on Facebook invited us to visit India and go to spiritual pilgrimage with him. Without further thinking and rationalizing Felix and I booked our tickets and arranged our vacation schedule, packed our bags and fly to India.


Our spiritual pilgrimage in India (September-October 2018) was very hectic we travelled from North to South for 31 days on the first 2 weeks of our tour we we went to visit spiritual spots from Mathura, Vrindavan, Haridwar, to Rishikesh. After our stay in Vrindavan our group of 4 proceeded our journey to Haridwar and Rishikesh…. During this long bumpy ride to Haridwar something caught my attention! I saw a poster of Mohanji on one of the trees but I mindlessly ignored it. Then we reached our destination which is Anandamayi Ma’s International Guest House and decided to stay there for 2–3 days and just drive to Rishikesh the next day.

We woke up that morning early because My husband Felix and I and Yogi Kumar are planning to visit Rishikesh and go to to Vashista and Arundhati cave. I am so excited to go Rishikesh I’ve been reading alot about on Sri M’s autobiography book and others too. On our way to Rishikesh something caught my eye… another Mohanji’s poster! The poster is about his incoming retreat in Rishikesh that month. The closer we get to Rishikesh the more of his posters would come up to my attention!

I was trying my best to Ignore it but every turned I did in Rishikesh I could see another big photo or poster of him again and again During this time I am already feeling so weird about it but I keep telling myself to focus on the trip and that ‘I don’t need another Guru’.

On our last night in Rishikesh while I was in car waiting for Yogi Kumar who bought something from the store… I suddenly saw this tall beautiful man with beautiful face walking in front of me wearing only white cloth wrap around his body…. And think to myself…

“Wow, he is so handsome, maybe this one is a Master too!”

Yes, so funny….

while I was on Rishikesh my mind was so obsessed looking for a traces of Babaji everywhere. I had this fantasy of having a grand mystical experience, meeting or a darshan/blessing of high level Master and Yogi. So when I saw this tall beautiful man who pass by our car whom I immediately think was Babaji or some realized Master in disguise, I mentally recorded his face right away so that I could fantasize on this apparition/vision again and again. Then Yogi Kumar came back to our car and we all headed back to our hotel in Haridwar, on the way to the hotel… I kept on thinking about that handsome Yogi on the white robe but instead of seeing that yogi’s face it was Mohanji’s face would appear on my inner vision. Then I would get rid of Mohanji face and put the yogi’s face again and it was Mohanji’s face would reappear again and again. Then this vision of Mohanji kept on haunting me even when I came back to US to the point I have to research about him online! So I did check his blogs and got to know more about him. The more I got to know him the deeper the love and admiration I felt but at the same time there’s also this deeper the enigma behind him that keeps on haunting me. Who is this Mohanji? I keep on asking this…

This question led to many more beautiful spiritual experiences and revelations with Mohanji. How He changed my spiritual life and the course of my destiny the next three years of my life.

