On Radio Silence, Its Power To Destroy & What To Do About It

Jo Chumas
5 min readAug 21, 2023
Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash

Radio Silence is a ‘passive’ aggressive tactic used by some humans to enforce their ‘will’ or ‘opinions’ on those close to them. It can happen if a person suddenly decides that they don’t like you anymore, don’t like your way, your viewpoint or things you say or do, and it can come out of nowhere.

It was a term that was coined during periods of military aggression when radio transmissions were shut down to stop aggressors from planning attacks by use of radio signal detection.

And it’s also a term used when one party shuts down all communication as a way of causing harm to someone close.

Ceasing to communicate with someone can be understood in business or in situations where there is a need to formally end some sort of association but when friends or family do it, it is devastating, very hurtful, feels traumatic and really does affect our mental health.

Especially when there is no understanding of why this has happened 😞.

Radio Silence feels like this: like a kick in the teeth; like being handed a letter that says you’re completely NOT worth any time or effort: it feels like you’re voiceless because you cannot ‘make’ a person talk to you; it makes you feel invisible; it makes you feel desperately unhappy because you don’t know what you did…



Jo Chumas

Writer, Novelist (16 books) Publisher (8d Press - 3 books) Ms. Curiosity - loves learning, reading and music