The importance of comparing apples to apples

Joanna Lilley, MA, NCC
2 min readJan 23, 2020

When a family researches and then compares treatment programs for a loved one, it’s imperative to ask the same questions of each program being considered. If a family asks different questions to different programs, they are comparing apples to oranges. To make the most informed decision about which program to select, a family needs to compare apples to apples.

If the family has hired a Therapeutic Consultant, they will most likely receive a sheet of guiding questions to ask programs when inquiring for a loved one. The categories of those questions can cover topics such as admissions process, therapeutic model/structure, daily schedule, technology access, insurance, food, communication, timeline for treatment, and success rates and outcomes. These are beautiful starting points to be able to truly vet a program to learn if it’s a good fit for a family.

Families often are impressed or underwhelmed with a program website. When doing additional research beyond looking over the website, it’s imperative to ask the same questions to each program. A family may find themselves surprised with how a treatment program that looks “meh” online may be the most impressive after speaking with a representative over the phone. Families must look beyond just online research! The calls to programs will be the most important in the research process. Reviewing the…



Joanna Lilley, MA, NCC

Therapeutic Educational Consultant, Young Adult Treatment Specialist, Mental Health Advocate, and Female Entrepreneur. Saving one young adult at a time!