#1 On Google! Does Speed Matters? (2019)

Digital Merchant
3 min readJun 13, 2019


For higher ranking on google…

There have been predictions by SEO experts for the past few years that says Google algorithm is going to choose sites that have faster loading time to rank higher in their search engine than slower loading sites.

According to Unbounce.com

“ In fact, if we look at Google’s actions, it’s undeniable that 2019 will be the year of page speed, the year of the lightning bolt. It’s the year when the difference between fast and slow content becomes the difference between showing up in the search results (Whether paid or organic) or disappearing completely.”

The bottom line is your website must be the fastest and best optimized across all devices, but especially mobile, within its niche — or risk seeing a major hit to search engine rankings, traffic, and ultimately business.

Mobile Search Market Takeover

This graph shows mobile internet traffic % by region in February 2019
This graph shows the organ search traffic in the USA from the given dates

The Shift Has Happened The Majority Of Viewing Is Now On Mobile.

Are You Prepared?

Have you noticed how everywhere you go, you see people on their mobiles phones and tablets checking their messages and email, surfing the web, and even better — buying all sorts of stuff? It’s constant.

Now that you know what Google is looking for, there are 3 options for getting a faster load speed on mobile:

  1. You could hire a developer to edit your websites and build any new sited from scratch, but the cost of doing that just isn’t reasonable. I’m talking thousands of dollars of ongoing expenses especially if you’re building new websites.
  2. You could optimize the websites on your own. As an example, WordPress has tons of plugins to help with page speed, but you run into compatibility and security issues, not to mention countless hours of work. Even after all of that, your site may not run as fast as you need it to.
  3. You can use this very user-friendly site building solution, MobiFirst, to build websites in a matter of minutes that are lightning fast, secure and optimized

MobiFirst Official Website

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