Learn to Use the Software You Have

Stop looking for the easy done-for-you solution

Joanne B. Reid
3 min readDec 3, 2019
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

We live in a fast-moving society and we all want the easy and quick solution to everything from losing weight to writing a novel. Instant pots, instant oatmeal, six-word low content Kindle books, lose 10 pounds overnight — people snap up these promises of getting things done without any effort.

I began teaching software usage in 1988. To teach, you are supposed to know 10 times what the student needs to learn. This meant that I had to know the early Word and WordPerfect programs inside out. Their capabilities were impressive when electric typewriters with removable font balls were what we had been working with previously.

Yet, people were buying standalone label-making software programs. It was easier than learning how to use such tools within the software they already had.

There have been huge advancements over the past 30+ years. A wordprocessing program can do newsletter, flyers, labels, presentations, books, reports, and just about any other program you can think of.

There is a very deep dark secret that underlies how you use your software af this is it: You must know what you want to achieve with it.

I know whereof I speak



Joanne B. Reid

A reluctant writer in a constant state of self-improvement with a lot to say and a total lack of focus.