Day 20 of the 30-Day Gratitude Challenge — Your Favorite Meal

Joanne Cipressi, CNLP, CHt
3 min readApr 8, 2023

A favorite meal is a true pleasure that engages all of our senses and brings us together with others in a way that is both nourishing and joyful.

Photo by amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash

Welcome to Day 20 of the 30-Day Gratitude Challenge! Today’s focus is on the pleasure of a good meal. There’s something truly special about enjoying a favorite dish, from the way the aroma teases our senses to the explosion of flavors on our tongues.

In this challenge, we’ll explore the different senses that are engaged when we savor a favorite meal, and how sharing this experience with others can deepen our sense of connection and gratitude.

There is something truly magical about sitting down to enjoy a favorite meal. From the moment the aroma begins to waft through the air, to the first bite that tantalizes the taste buds, every sense is engaged in a symphony of flavor and delight.

The sight of a well-presented meal can be almost as satisfying as the taste itself. The colors and textures of each dish are carefully crafted to create a visual masterpiece that sets the stage for an unforgettable culinary experience.



Joanne Cipressi, CNLP, CHt

Mindset coach & author that travels, writes poetry, hikes, bakes, and worries about her daughters. :) Blueberry cobbler too!