PROJECT chicaGO: Myopic Books

A magical rectangular comb of books

Joanne Yj Kim


In front of Myopic Books (Photograph by Joanne Yj Kim)

Maybe it’s that smell of old rugged papers. Or the fact that you get to surround yourself with so many stories all at once — stories that were at least once held in someone’s hands, lines of wisdom highlighted and underlined, the fingerprints, and the folded corners of pages. All these small details of old tainted histories come together and works its magic. Used bookstores exude melancholic warmth and precious steadiness.

Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago (Photograph by Joanne Yj Kim)

Myopic Books is one of the oldest and largest used bookstores in Chicago. It’s located on Milwaukee Avenue in Wicker Park, along with other famous restaurants, clothing shops, and coffee shops. It’s one of those spots everyone make sure to stop by when they are around, visitors and locals alike.

Books in Myopic Books (Photograph by Joanne Yj Kim)

The place is narrow and filled with endless books. It feels as if you are inside a rectangular comb of books. Some come to sell their books to the store, others buy books an/or recharge themselves with words of inspirations before they head out.

Inside Myopic Books (Photograph by Joanne Yj Kim)

The books are organized in different genres and in alphabetical order by the last names of authors. If there is a book you are dire to find, you can ask the persons at the counter for help and they’ll direct you quickly through the labyrinth of bookshelves. But really, it’s fun to try finding the books yourself. Or, my favorite way to go about is, to let the books find you. If that sounds a bit crazy, well, go visit the Myopic’s and you’ll see. I’ll leave it up to you to experience the magic.

Myopic Books

1564 N. Milwaukee Ave

*This was originally posted in PROJECT chicaGO’s online publication.



Joanne Yj Kim

Arts Journalist | Chicago /art /design /food /culture /music /lifestyle