A complete mess but always striving to do better... just like everyone else on the planet, eh?

People think I'm kidding about the complete mess part, but it's 75% true. 100% true is how much time I spend trying to steal power from gods: A lot! It will be mine! Actually, lately I've learned the power of simply asking in a heartfelt manner... hmm, what a concept.

I am the owner/editor of Globetrotters, a popular travel publication on Medium. I also recently started a new pub, In Living Color, a place for fabulous photo stories from all walks of life. Excited about these roles! My own personal pub is The Midnight Garden, where I publish a lot of miscellaneous stuff.

I'm a travel and photography lover and also a big foodie.

Of late, I've been ruminating on the immense power of the individual as an integral part of the collective. Will be exploring this more soon!

Eating carrots is good for you, by the way!


Medium member since May 2021
Friend of Medium since November 2023
Connect with JoAnn Ryan
JoAnn Ryan

JoAnn Ryan

Friend of Medium

A complete mess but always striving to do better. Owner of Globetrotters, In Living Color and The Midnight Garden.