PinnedOlivia JoanEvery Good Artist Has A ManifestoAn Outlining of Principles, in addition to an Essay DirectoryApr 17Apr 17
Olivia JoanCandy Perfume Girls: #bimbotok and Drag Performances for FeminismA discussion of Bimbo feminism and what being a bimbo actually means.Jun 206Jun 206
Olivia JoanReek, Rhymes With FreakAn examination of the imposition of femaleness onto Theon Greyjoy.Jun 6Jun 6
Olivia JoanTargaryen Bastards: Incest in the House of the DragonAn analysis on the role of Targaryen Incest in the social commentary of Game of Thrones.Jun 5Jun 5
Olivia JoanGetting a Hysterectomy at TwentyWhat I wish I could do if the world was the way I wish it was.May 296May 296
Olivia JoanMicro-Opulences: CoquettecoreCW: Discussions of the nymphet fashion subculture and therefore of discussions of child sexual abuse.May 29May 29
Olivia JoanThe Canon of Lucas: The Palimpsest of Star Wars LoreWhat does it mean for something to be canon?May 28May 28
Olivia JoanICH! Fritz Lang’s Spione and The Shattering of the Fourth WallA brief essay analysing the opening two minutes of Fritz Lang’s Spies.May 21May 21