Unleashing the Power Within: Nurturing the Soul with a Coach for Strategic Growth

Jo (Supreme Wisdom Born) Thomas
5 min readAug 23, 2023


In our fast-paced and hectic lives, it’s all too easy to neglect our inner selves — the very essence that fuels our well-being and happiness.

Relationship with self may come across as empty vanity, a bit like looking in the mirror and saying I love you. Except self care is not futile, it is fuel.

However, by making time to feed our souls and enlisting the guidance of a coach, we can embark on a transformative journey towards holistic growth.

Let us explore the significance of carving out space for soul nourishment and delving into three common mistakes people make when they neglect to utilize a coach for strategic growth.

Answers are available from you and for you in Draw in Your Bliss, where you will embrace your Soul’s Nourishment.

To keep my soul filled and aiming for the ignition of my highest purpose, over the past seven days, I have embarked on a challenge that has ignited my contemplation on health, wealth, relationships, and identity.

This personal endeavor has provided a profound way to engage with my inner world, and I have continued to see that journaling continues to safely bring me through curiosity and has become an indispensable tool for this purpose. Writing has a remarkable ability to etch thoughts into your mind, allowing you to truly absorb and embody the concepts explored.

Making time for yourself can seem like a dream that will never come true, however imagine hanging out with someone who cares about and hangs onto every word you say only to come back with a picture of what you are saying, of how it could be, and you come up with a plan, long or short term to get you out of the blocks of feeling stuck, despair, challenge, inertia — just getting you out of the headspace you are in, out of your own way.

This is all possible with Draw in Your Bliss or life coaching sessions where you get to play and engage with your creative skills and energy as a thinking and action planning tool.

You get to use proven spiritual and creative principals that will get you to understand you more.

Obviously you will never know yourself in one go and that isn’t necessary. Planning and having intentions for our lives does make a difference to achieving what is important to you.

The Path to Mastery:

The pursuit of learning and growth is a lifelong journey, and true mastery encompasses multiple levels.

In fact the purpose of learning about yourself is you get to master your behaviour. Yes you may pass your nest sometimes and get it wrong; but the difference when you know yourself better is you choose your actions and decide what you will do rather than act from that place of auto-pilot. Wisdom = the application of knowledge. Learning = mastery of your life.

Deciding means you cut off all other ways of trying an idea and committing. Committing to yourself is a journey. We are told from a young age it is selfish to give only to ourselves. COntext is important here, giving to yourself first then settling with others makes the biggest difference.

You are more likely to come from your abundance of hope, happiness, curiosity and wonder, rather than burned out, tired and pissed-off.

As we strive to enhance our lives, it is essential to recognize that progress is not always linear. As Joe McQ eloquently states in his book “The Steps We Took,” even if we have taken a wrong step in the past, committing to one move towards bettering our way of life can set us on the path to mastery.

Avoiding Common Mistakes:

Although we are always on a life journey, you want purpose and meaning for your life.

While embarking on a personal growth journey, it is crucial to acknowledge common mistakes that hinder progress when individuals neglect the guidance of a coach. Here are three of these pitfalls:

Lack of Accountability:

  • One mistake is failing to establish accountability structures. Without a coach, it is easy to veer off course or lose momentum. A coach acts as a dedicated partner, providing support, encouragement, and holding us accountable for our actions and goals.

Limited Perspective:

  • Another misstep is relying solely on our own limited perspective. A coach brings a fresh set of eyes, providing insights, alternative viewpoints, and challenging our assumptions. This expanded perspective allows for breakthroughs and new possibilities that may have otherwise remained hidden.

Ineffective Strategies:

  • Lastly, attempting to grow without strategic guidance can lead to wasted efforts. A coach helps develop tailored strategies and action plans, ensuring that our growth is deliberate, efficient, and aligned with our aspirations and values. They help us navigate obstacles, refine our approach, and accelerate progress towards our desired outcomes.

The Power of a Coach:

By embracing the role of a coach in our personal growth journey, we unlock a wealth of benefits. A coach serves as a catalyst, propelling us forward, fostering self-discovery, and empowering us to overcome limitations.

Their expertise, guidance, and unwavering support provide the framework for strategic growth and transformation.

The Journey Begins:

Embarking on a journey of soul nourishment and strategic growth requires intentional dedication. By making time to feed our souls and enlisting the guidance of a coach, we tap into our inner wisdom, overcome common pitfalls, and embark on a transformative path towards holistic mastery.

Remember, it’s never too late to take that one step towards a better way of living. Let us embrace this opportunity and embark on a remarkable journey of growth and self-discovery.

Embrace You Play More

Peace and angel hugs

Jo x


Come and play in your lane, your way and figure out, what is the best way to go now; or you may know but could do with some one-to-one guidance along the way.

I am a creative doulah, providing personal coaching and guidance for women who know they are creative or want to understand how to use their creativity to support their life, for a clearer understanding of who you are and what you do best. You can choose from a single module of Draw in Your Bliss program or a one off coaching session as an introduction to working with me.

I am here to be your booster seat, so you think more clearly and create actions that are conducive to making your shizzle happen.

Check the links for coaching, social media, art and Angel Must Create Oracle: Angel Play Cards!




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Jo (Supreme Wisdom Born) Thomas

Helping you tap into your creativity to discover, uncover and recover for growth and impact. https://linktr.ee/angelsmustcreate