1 min readNov 8, 2018


Adversity as the fuel of Success

I’ve been debating with a super interesting thought lately.
Pretty often I find myself going from a motivated state of mind to a place where I start questioning my ideas, a place where all our goals seem blurry, uninteresting and a bit unreal. To this place I call it adversity.

The funny fact about having to deal with this is that I always seem to get up stronger, with a clearer vision of what I want to do and where I want to go. Also, I get better a being patient, every single time!
As a good friend of mine once told me, in a world of struggle you either cry or you sell tissues. I also read something the other day that said we all live two lives, the second one starts after you realize you only have one, and for that reason I decide to spend mine selling those valuable tissues.

Now I can only conclude that adversity itself is actually the fuel of your success, of the person you become and therefore how strong you really are.
My skills and drive to strive will continue to grow, and so will I.




Brand Storyteller & Content Creator based in London. I talk about life and self-development a lot. Visit my content: