Why Go?

João Henrique Machado Silva


It was Todd McLeod that said something like this… "The more I learn harder it gets to ask questions, the more I ask questions the more I learn"

Before I actually start to talk about Go I wanted to talk about it's credentials and specially it's creators credentials.

Go was created by these three guys called Rob Pike, Robert Griesemer and Ken Thompson. Let's take a look at what these guys have done before Go:

Rob Pike, whom for me is like the Yoda of the computer programming world today, big fan, is best known for his work at Bell Labs, where he was a member of the Unix team and was involved in the creation of the Plan 9 from Bell Labs and Inferno operating systems, as well as the Limbo programming language. Ohh! And he also helped create something called UTF-8, you might have heard of, hopefully!

Robert Griesemer, had an early interest in programming languages and ended studying in Switzerland under the creator of Pascal, language which a lot of people will say that had a direct impact on Go. He also had about 15 years of experience working with C++ and his biggest credential in my opinion is that he got recruited by Rob and Ken to join the original Go Team at Google.

Ken Thompson, this guy is out of this world, if Yoda had a brother, Ken would be him. He also worked most of his career for Bell Labs, and he was only responsible for designing and implementing the original Unix operating system. He also invented the B programming language, the direct predecessor to the C programming language, and…

