A Mickey Mouse Politician

João Montenegro
2 min readJul 20, 2020

In a couple of occasions recently I made the comment that Donald Trump is like a Mickey Mouse version of a bad politician or a Mickey Mouse version of a dictator.

The response from some of my friends was that he is more than just that, because he has a true negative impact in the country, the world and in people's lives. They are absolutely right! A Mickey Mouse version of a bad politician is as bad as a non-Mickey Mouse bad politician!

But what I mean with this is that Trump's philosophical views of the world are not solid... to the point that I think they actually practically don't exist! Trump's positions are less about the issues themselves, but more about how people think about those issues. Let's not forget that he is a TV star! A successful TV star is the one that grabs people's attention, not necessarily the ones that elevate one's intellect or spirit. Their main objective is to entertain you and grab your attention, not to elevate you!

Let's be more concrete about the way he projects his image and his "positions":

- He presents his power in a away that is how weak people think powerful people are

- He presents his wealth in a way that poor people think rich people are

- He presents his intelligence in a way that dumb people think intelligent people are

- He presents his confidence in a way that insecure people think confident people are

This is what I mean by a Mickey Mouse bad politician... Its consequences are as catastrophic as a "real" bad politician, with the added frustration that we are being fucked by a cartoon!

