CKA and CKAD time management tip

João Vitor Guimarães
3 min readNov 25, 2019


I'm now a CKA and CKAD. I've passed my CKA exam with 88%. \o/

These exams are 100% practical exam no multiple choice questions. Time management is key.

First read/pass through

I only start doing the question if I see that it would take less than the maximum amount of time per question. That is:

CKA = 7.5 min per question
CKAD= 6.3 min per question

Important note

It is not an honour thing. It is ok to skip a question that it taking too long.

Keep scoring

After the first pass pass select which question should have my focus using the following note format in the notepad available:

1- initial time — subject — % — status
2- initial time — subject — % — status
3- initial time — subject — % — status

Making it concrete:

1- 180 — pod label — 5% — ok
2- 175 — daemonset —5 % — nok
3- 166 — resource limits — 6% — ok
4- 175 — scheduling— 8 % — nok

You have a clock ticking throughout the exam and every time I hit [next question] I look up to the clock and write the question number and time.
Skimming the question makes me write the subject in the notepad and the %. Usually 60 seconds is enough to identify if you should skip the question and fill the notepad.

Go back in the skipped ones prioritizing the ones that would get you the most percentage with the least time until the timeout.

Interesting to say: In my CKA exam I left 8% blank so 92% was my possible best grade. I left one question incomplete and 88% was the expected grade. I was right 88% was my grade. Managing time can give you relief before the official answer from Linux Foundation 36 hours after the exam submission.

Online courses

Udemy from Mumshad Mannambeth

It is a full course with training environment.

Container training from Jérôme Petazzoni

Kubernauts training from Arash Kaffamanesh

The best Kubernetes Book

Kubernetes in Action — Marko Lukša

Follow Marko in twitter. He is constantly giving discount codes.
Buy this book from manning. They usually have nice conditions for the paper + digital copy.

This book explain the motivation behind every kubernetes component telling history, evolution and how to use them.

Free Kubernetes Books

Kubernetes Up and Running — 2nd Edition — sponsored by Microsoft
Book from — Brendan Burns — Joe Beda — Kelsey Hightower

Kubernetes Patterns — sponsored by Red Hat
Book from — Bilgin Ibryam and Roland Huß

Read Kubernetes The Hard Way book from Kelsey Hightower creating the cluster.

Special videos

Kubecon 2017 — Kubernetes Deconstructed from Carson Anderson

Youtube Playlist

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