Data Exploration- Customer Insights: Understanding Purchase Patterns to Drive Sales

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Mauricio Joaquin Dionicioo
3 min readAug 17, 2023

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In this analysis, we will investigate how customer sales behavior evolves throughout the year to comprehend customer purchasing patterns and how these patterns can be utilized to drive sales. The project focuses on the following aspects:

Understanding Different Customer Segments: The project categorizes customers into distinct segments based on their purchasing habits, needs, and preferences.

Identifying Top-selling Products and Services: The project pinpoints the most popular products and services among customers.

Crafting Tailored Marketing Strategies: The project formulates customized marketing strategies catering to various customer segments.

This project holds significance as it can aid businesses in enhancing their sales and overall performance.

By grasping customer purchasing patterns, companies can formulate more effective marketing strategies and effectively reach their target audience.

We will utilize the Pandas libraries for data manipulation and Plotly for creating interactive visualizations.

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In this bar chart analysis, we delve into the quarterly performance of product categories. This comprehensive examination not only facilitates an understanding of category-specific trends over the quarters but also offers a deeper insight into the breakdown of sales totals among various category

In this segment, we unveil our quintessential top 5 customers who have displayed a noteworthy penchant for higher spending.

In this illustrative line chart, we are presented with a dynamic representation of the ebb and flow of monthly sales over the course of the year. This invaluable visual aids us in pinpointing the zenith months that drive our sales performance

Within this amalgamated line chart, we gain a comprehensive insight into the evolving patterns of our foremost 10 clientele throughout the year. This multidimensional visualization equips us to pinpoint the months characterized by elevated transactional vigor, facilitating the strategic customization of marketing endeavors aligned with diverse customer profiles.

Within this scatter plot, we delve into the intricate interplay between sales distribution, unit quantities, and associated prices. This captivating visualization unveils a fascinating trend: the existence of consumers who exhibit a preference for higher quantities at more affordable rates, even in the presence of pricier alternatives.



Mauricio Joaquin Dionicioo

Data Analyst | Python | Power BI | SQL | AWS