Journey Journal: Mapping the Path to Self-Discovery-22/09/2024

Joaquin Calderon
2 min read3 days ago


New week, new learnings. I hope these three reflections help you.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Be Aware of The Moment

When you become fully aware of what you’re doing, you enjoy the experience more. This heightened awareness allows you to notice things that others may overlook, elevating your state of consciousness. Simple actions, like walking or just observing an object, become more enjoyable and meaningful.
Being mindful can also help break bad habits. Many of our habits are automatic, but when we stop and consciously think, “What am I doing?” everything makes more sense, and we can channel our energy into avoiding those negative patterns.
Don’t let mental noise or external distractions interrupt your focus on the present moment.

This Might be The Reason You Are Procrastinating

Lately, I’ve been struggling with procrastination, constantly wondering why I’m not doing what I should be. After much reflection, I realized the root cause was an inner conflict I hadn’t addressed.
The conflict centered on my identity: What do I want for my future? And what am I doing now to achieve that future?
I’m currently studying biology at university, but I don’t see myself working as a biologist. I enjoy biology, but it’s not aligned with the future I envision. I want to be an entrepreneur, focusing on marketing, because I love thinking divergently and creatively. Honestly, while I do well in my courses, I often find the classes boring.
This conflict fueled my procrastination. I wasn’t sure if continuing my university studies was right for me because I hadn’t figured out what I truly wanted for my future.
If you’re procrastinating, maybe you’re in a similar situation — doing something that doesn’t feel connected to the future you want.
Don’t be afraid to pause and think clearly about what you want for your future, and what actions you can take now to move toward that vision.

The Happiest Moments Are With People

Think about the times when you’ve felt truly happy, and you’ll probably realize that most of them involved other people.
“If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together.” This saying captures the essence of happiness. We thrive when we’re surrounded by people we care about, and those shared experiences bring us joy.

