JFK National Historic Site, MA

Impressions Comments ケネディ元大統領の生家を訪ねて

2 min readJul 17, 2016
JFK’s birthplace in Brookline, MA (ボストン・ブルックラインにあるJFKの生家)=July 15,2016, painted by Nono-san

A house where John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in 1917 came out casually in residential street covered with shade trees. July 14, 2016 my teacher led students to Brookline. If he had not stopped and not said “that is the house”, we would walk pass the National Historic Site. The most moving thing is the house stands today, just as it did when it was first built.

Park ranger’s guide=JFK National Historic Site (July 14,2016)

Park rangers, keep U.S. natural resources and protect public lands, made us welcome. It was the first time for me to visit the National Park in U.S. and to meet such government workers. Nicolle, a young Park ranger, standing in front of the entrance used some old pictures taken in the past for basic guide. Before entering the house she said “taking us back in time to 1917”. It made me feel to get going to adventure. She said there are 430 National Parks in U.S., so we can enjoy the venture hundreds times. I’m also impressed big scale of America.

Room where JFK spent his childhood (JFKが幼少期を過ごした部屋)

The birthplace, the 3rd smallest site in the Parks, was donated by Kennedy’s mother, Rose in 1969 after her second son was shot and killed. Through well-kept furniture and modest lifestyle, we can know his mother had a heart of gold for her children. Her words remain in my heart. “We were very happy here and although we did not know about the days ahead”.




絵手紙ルポライター。米ボストンで人生初の留学中。ブログはhttp://nonosan.blog.jp/。毎週木曜は旅ラジオhttp://jobbb.jp/ にレギュラー出演中