Immortal Redneck review – Not a pyramid scheme

7 min readDec 23, 2018

If I had seen this game by itself in the Steam store, I would have ignored it immediately because of its name alone. Yes, I judge books by their covers, but in a store filled with literally tens of thousands of books, you need some way to filter them down a bit.

Anyway, I got this game as part of a bundle and decided to give it a go, despite the name suggesting it was mostly a game which existed purely to act as a crude humour delivery device. However, what I found was actually a decent offering.

The premise

Immortal Redneck is set in Egypt, or more specifically, in and around the pyramids. You play as the unnamed Redneck, who seemingly died in a car crash near the pyramids and found himself resurrected from a sarcophagus carrying a bunch of guns. For some unexplained reason, your task is to enter each of the three pyramids in turn, defeating various enemies and bosses on your way to… well, I don’t actually know what the end goal is, other than simply beating the game.

The gameplay

At its heart, this game is a “Rogue-lite”, meaning that each time you die, you are resurrected and have to start back at the beginning. Each time you enter a pyramid, its contents are randomised, meaning each run can be wildly different to the last.




Let’s plays, streams, and reviews with a generous helping of sarcasm. Note that I sometimes use affiliate links in my reviews.