How to get Past Resume Screening Bots Without Being Rejected

Jobsolv - Elevate Your Earnings
8 min readFeb 4, 2024


Landing your dream job starts with a great resume, but sometimes it feels like there’s a robot guard blocking the way. Did you know that nearly all big companies use resume screening bots?

This article will show you how to craft an ATS-friendly resume that ensures you stand out to both bots and hiring managers.

Left Robot’s hand and right human’s hand typing on a laptop depicting 50%robot and 50%human

Keep reading; your future self will thank you!

Key Takeaways

  • Make sure you are a good fit for the job before applying. Use specific skills and experiences in your resume that match what the job needs.
  • Use keywords from the job description in your resume. Add them in a way that shows how you have used these skills in past jobs.
  • Avoid sending lots of applications to one company. Choose the best fitting job and apply only for it.
  • Don’t try to trick the bots with hidden text or too many keywords. Be honest on your resume with clear information.
  • Save your resume as a PDF or Word document, and keep it simple without fancy designs so both bots and people can read it easily.

Understanding Resume Screening Bots

They’re becoming increasingly common in the hiring process, using artificial intelligence to scan and filter through countless resumes. Understanding how these bots work is essential for job seekers to navigate the application process successfully.

Application of Artificial Intelligence in Hiring

Many top companies now use artificial intelligence to sort through job applications. Machines scan resumes looking for keywords that match the job description. This is a fast way for employers to find good candidates from many applications.

AI can also learn what types of resumes led to successful hires in the past.

AI tools can have problems, like missing great people just because they didn’t use certain words. To make sure everyone has a fair chance, it’s important to check that these AI systems are not biased.

They need to treat all applicants equally without unfair judgment based on their data.

Strategies to Get Your Resume Past the Bots

Applying Only for Roles You’re Qualified For, Avoiding Multiple Applications at the Same Company, Including the Right Keywords, and Putting Your Keywords in Context are essential.

Learn more about these effective strategies to get your resume past screening bots by reading the full article!

Applying Only for Roles You’re Qualified For

Make sure you fit the job before applying. If you don’t meet most of the qualifications, your resume might get tossed out by the bot. Big companies like those in the Fortune 500 list use bots to sort through hundreds of applications.

They program these bots to look for specific skills and experience that match each job. Tailor your resume to show you have what it takes for each role.

The next step is being smart about where and how often you send your application.

Avoiding Multiple Applications at the Same Company

Sending out many resumes to the same company can hurt your chances. The Applicant Tracking System (ATS) might flag you as desperate or not focused. It’s better to pick the job that fits you best and apply for that one only.

This shows recruiters you know what you want and understand where your skills fit.

Next, let’s talk about the importance of using the right keywords in your resume.

Including the Right Keywords

After making sure you apply for the right job once, it’s time to focus on keywords. Use words that match the job description in your resume. This helps bots see you as a good fit.

Pick out skills and qualifications in the ad and add them to your resume. Tools like Jobscan or SkillSyncer can spot these important words.

Make sure keywords make sense in your resume’s sentences. Don’t just list them; weave them into what you’ve done before. Describe how you used specific skills at past jobs. Bots look for context, not just a bunch of fancy terms thrown in.

Keep it real and relatable, showing why you’re perfect for the role using their language!

Putting Your Keywords in Context

Tailoring your resume with relevant keywords and phrases is essential for navigating through an ATS. Ensure that the chosen keywords are aligned with the job description and industry terminology.

Incorporating specific skills, experiences, and qualifications within the context of your previous roles can significantly increase your chances of passing the screening process. Remember to focus on showcasing how your expertise matches the requirements of the role rather than simply listing keywords.

By doing so, you’re not only appealing to ATS algorithms but also highlighting your suitability to human recruiters.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

To increase your chances of getting past screening bots, it’s important to avoid common mistakes such as trying to trick the ATS, choosing the right file type for submission, making your resume easy to scan for both bots and humans, and avoiding excessive fancy formatting.

These strategies will help ensure that your resume stands out in the application process.

Not Trying to Trick the ATS

Avoid attempting to deceive the ATS with keyword stuffing or hidden text. Stick to relevant, industry-specific keywords that align with your skills and experience. Craft a tailored resume for each application, avoiding generic templates.

Opt for standard file types like PDF or DOCX, and ensure your document is easily scannable by both bots and humans. Remember, honesty is key — focus on showcasing your qualifications genuinely.

When submitting applications through online portals or via email, be mindful of the file format you use — stick to PDFs or Word documents for easier parsing by ATS. Avoid using excessive fancy formatting such as icons or intricate designs; these elements can confuse the system and hinder your chances of getting through the initial screening process.

Choosing the Right File Type for Submission

Selecting the appropriate file type for your resume is crucial when dealing with applicant tracking systems (ATS). These systems work best with .docx or .pdf formats, as they can accurately parse the information.

Using other file types may lead to errors in parsing and result in your resume being rejected by the ATS, potentially causing you to miss out on job opportunities.

When submitting your resume online, it’s essential to ensure that you save it as a .docx or .pdf file. By doing so, you increase the likelihood of your qualifications and experience being accurately recognized and considered by ATS, ultimately improving your chances of making it through the initial screening process conducted by these automated systems.

Making Your Resume Easy to Scan for Both Bots and Humans

Craft a clear, well-structured resume with essential job-related keywords that mirror your qualifications. Utilize standard fonts and bullet points to enhance readability for both bots and humans.

Avoid excessive fancy formatting, such as images or logos, as it may hinder the ATS from accurately parsing your details. Stick to commonly accepted file types like Microsoft Word or PDF to ensure seamless compatibility with various systems.

Keep in mind that applicants often get rejected due to unreadable resumes, thus maintaining simplicity is crucial.

Ensure minimal visual distractions on your resume; this includes fancy templates or images which can confuse applicant tracking systems (ATS). Using simple headings and bullet points with relevant keywords will help maintain clarity while making it easier for hiring managers and bots alike to scan through your application quickly and effectively.

Avoiding Excessive Fancy Formatting

Excessive fancy formatting, like intricate templates and images, must be avoided in your resume to ensure it can be easily read by ATS. It’s crucial as over 98% of Fortune 500 companies use ATS in their hiring process.

Stick to simple section headings and standard fonts to optimize your chances of getting past the bots and into human hands.

ATS struggle with logos, images, or unconventional section headings so steer clear of these elements. Using standard fonts and simple layouts will make your resume easier for both bots and humans to scan through, increasing your chances of making it past the initial screening stage.

The Role of AI in Modern Hiring Tactics

AI plays a crucial role in the recruitment process, with machine learning algorithms being used to screen resumes and identify top candidates. Using AI to beat the ATS can give you an edge in getting your resume noticed by potential employers.

How AI is Applied in the Recruitment Process

AI plays a crucial role in the recruitment process by automating repetitive tasks, such as resume screening and candidate sourcing. Machine learning algorithms are utilized to scan resumes for keywords and phrases that match the job requirements, enabling recruiters to efficiently filter through a large volume of applicants.

Additionally, AI is used for candidate communication and interview scheduling, streamlining the hiring workflow and saving time for both employers and candidates. However, it’s essential to address bias in these technologies as they can perpetuate discrimination if not appropriately monitored.

Utilizing AI technology like Jobsolv\’s AI can effectively beat the applicant tracking systems (ATS) by optimizing resumes with relevant keywords and ensuring they are easily scannable for both bots and humans while also identifying biases in resume screening processes.

Using AI to Beat The AI

AI plays a significant role in modern hiring tactics, and job seekers can use AI to their advantage by tailoring their resumes for each position they apply for. By understanding the application of artificial intelligence in hiring, candidates can strategically include the right keywords and ensure their resumes are easy to scan for both bots and humans.

Leveraging AI technology that beats the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) could also improve a candidate’s chances of getting noticed by potential employers.

Employing AI to beat the ATS is essential in today’s competitive job market. Jobsolv’s advanced AI technology offers job seekers an edge by enhancing their resumes’ visibility and relevance, increasing their likelihood of bypassing bots successfully.

Jobsolv’s AI technology that beats the ATS

Jobsolv’s AI technology utilizes advanced algorithms to strategically optimize resumes for successful ATS screening. This cutting-edge solution maximizes the inclusion of relevant keywords and formats, significantly improving the chances of passing through AI screening software.

By harnessing Jobsolv’s innovative AI, job seekers can effectively navigate the automated hiring process, gaining a competitive edge in securing interviews with leading companies. The seamless integration of Jobsolv’s AI empowers candidates to align their qualifications with specific job requirements, ensuring their resumes surpass initial ATS filtration and reach human decision-makers.


In conclusion, understanding resume screening bots and their impact on job applications is crucial. By strategically tailoring your resume with the right keywords and avoiding common mistakes like excessive formatting, you can increase your chances of getting past these bots.

Leveraging AI technology to beat the ATS and applying for roles you are qualified for will ultimately help you get noticed by human decision-makers in the hiring process.

Go beyond this article with additional resources.

Impact of Applicant Tracking Systems on Your Job Applications

Resources for your job search

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