Best medical jobs in Australia for Indians in 2020

Jobs Visas
2 min readJan 7, 2020


If there is any top overseas destination that is facing a shortage of local labor and high demand for highly skilled workers, then look further than Australia. Being endowed with a global and multicultural outlook and population, the nation provides a home for people who move here aspiring to work in some of the top-level companies and organizations.

Since we speak about skilled professionals, you cannot miss the influence of talented Indians who with their talent and experience grace the Australian labor markets. This is why many of the best jobs in Australia for Indians receive such a high response. Currently, the kangaroo land is facing shortages in occupations of engineering, teaching, biologists, accountants, computing professionals, mining engineers and many more.

This demand can be substantiated by the fact in the starting of 2019, the job vacancies in Australia hit the highest level of record, elevating by 1.7% and 2.5% across both private and public sectors. This makes it clear that there is no lack of job openings in Australia, thus making it easy for migrants to apply for Australia job visa. And with excellent health care facilities and social security perks, you will not regret working here at any cost.

Immigrant workers have significantly improved labor productivity, assisted businesses to source skills that are hard to find in a short period of time as well as addressed the needs of regional areas and industries. The Treasury and Home Affairs of Australia in their report stated that there was a rise in immigration GDP per person since the concentration of skilled immigrants of working age assisted in improving the productivity of Australia. The report found that “Migrants deliver an economic dividend for Australia due to current policy settings which favor migrants of working age who have skills to contribute to the economy”

One profession that has the best overseas jobs for migrants is in the medical field. Some of the best job vacancies in the health care and social assistance industry workforce are majorly reserved for r nurses and doctors. Community and personal service workers such as careers and nursing support workers are also some of the best medical jobs in Australia for Indians in 2020



Jobs Visas is a brand owned Abhinav Outsourcings Pvt. Ltd, one of India’s leading immigration experts under skilled and business migration category.