“MAHALTA: The significance of the Mangyan, Halcon, and Tamaraw preservation efforts in keeping the Mindoro heritage”.

3 min readOct 19, 2020


Mangyan is the genetic name for the eight indigenous groups found on the Island of Mindoro, southwest of the Island of Luzon, the Philippines, each with its own tribal name, language, and customes. Mangyan groups are (Iraya, Alangan, Tadyawan, Tau-buid, Bangon, Buhid, Hanunoo and Ratagnon) on the Island of Mindoro.

The Mangyans actually regard the towns peopleas “bad” and avoid contact as much as possible. The Mangyan have their own language but many can speaks the national language of the Philippines called Tagalog.

Mount Halcon and is a mountain located in the Island of Mindoro in the Philippines. Its steep slopes have carred it the reputation of being the most difficult mountain to climb in the country. The Mount Halcon is one of the most important sites for biodiversity conservation on Mindanao. It includes the largest area of montane forest on the island, and is particularly important for the conservation of those threatened and restricted-range species of the Mindoro. The highly endangered Tamaraw , which is endemic to Mindoro, is found on the south and west slopes of Mt. Halcon. The vegetation of Mt. Halcon range is diverse , unique and culturally important.

The most unique animal feature of Mindoro most be the Tamaraw, or dwarf water buffalo. The Tamaraw needs both dense vegetation for resting and open grazing land. The Tamaraw is a heritage species of major importance for the Philippines. It is the only wild cattle species living in the country and occurs only on the island of Mindoro. While it was once present in large numbers across the island, it has been reduced to small populations scattered over just a few locations in the mountainous interior of the island.

The Tamaraw, perhaps the most appropriate symbol for our nations pride, should be celebrated and protected at all cost. It’s one of the few things we could truly call our own: you can find it nowhere else in the world but in the Philippines! We must ensure taht they remain for the next generations. We must ensure that our heritage continue to live on.

