Outwork Your Self-Doubt

Gabriel Varela
5 min readOct 9, 2023


Self-doubt is with us almost our entire lives, affecting people in all walks of life, in all variety of endeavors we take on, and creates feelings of imposter syndrome. It lurks, insidiously, in the dark corners of our minds, sowing seeds of uncertainty and fear, lowering our confidence to achieve our full potential.

But what if you could use the redirect that energy you spend doubting yourself to fuel your journey toward success? Let’s examine the power of outworking your self-doubt, a process that not only reinforces your self-image but also propels you onto the next challenge to make you an unstoppable force of nature in business and life.

The Vicious Cycle of Self-Doubt

Self-doubt often creates a vicious cycle. You doubt your abilities, which leads to procrastination or half-hearted efforts. The resulting mediocre performance then reinforces your initial self-doubt, making it even harder to break free. The first step to outworking your self-doubt is recognizing this cycle and making a conscious decision to disrupt it. Even professionals in lofty positions can hide feelings of imposter syndrome and not being good enough.

Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

The Power of Hard Work

Hard work has an interestingly unique ability to silence the nagging voice of self-doubt. When you’re deeply engrossed in a task, giving it your all, there’s no room for uncertainty. You’re too busy doing the work to question whether you can do it. And once the work is done, the results speak for themselves, providing tangible proof of your capabilities which you can always look back on to say ‘I did it so I know I can do it again.’. I know in my own experience there is power in being able to enter a state of flow where you are doing work so engaging that there is no space for feelings of doubt to emerge and grow.

Proving to Yourself Who You Are

When you outwork your self-doubt, you’re essentially proving to yourself who you are and what you can do. Each completed task, each small win, serves as a building block for your self-image. You begin to see yourself not as someone who might be able to achieve a goal, but as someone who has already taken significant steps toward achieving it where you have the solid, tangible proof that you have the ability to chase your dreams.

Reinforcing Your Self-Image

The more you work, the stronger your self-image becomes and self-confidence grows. We are not trying to create an abrasive, over-inflated ego but trying to create a grounded understanding of your abilities based on actual proven experiences. When you know you can work hard and achieve results, self-doubt has less room to take hold.

Momentum To Overcome the Next Challenge

One of the most exhilarating and addictive benefits to this approach of outworking your self-doubt is the momentum it creates, building and building into a formidable force. Each challenge you overcome becomes a piece of evidence, a demonstrable fact acting as a stepping stone to the next challenge. The skills you gain, the confidence you build, and the self-image you reinforce all contribute to a snowball effect. As a result of your hard work confronting what’s in front of you, you become more willing to take on bigger challenges because you’ve already proven to yourself that you can handle them.

The Importance of Continuous Learning

As you tackle new and increasingly complex challenges, it’s crucial to continue learning and growing, embracing the ideals of a lifelong learner. This doesn’t mean you won’t encounter self-doubt along the way because you likely will. But armed with a reinforced self-image and a track record of hard work, you’ll be better equipped to face it.

The Role of Failure

It’s important to note that outworking your self-doubt doesn’t mean you’ll never fail. Failure is an inevitable part of any journey toward success and almost a prerequisite to it. The key here is to view failure as a learning opportunity rather than a confirmation of your self-doubt, see the teachings of a growth mindset. When you do encounter setbacks, analyze what went wrong, adjust your approach, and continue moving forward.

8 Practical Steps to Outwork Your Self-Doubt

  1. Set Clear Goals: Know what you’re working toward. Having a clear goal gives your hard work direction and purpose.
  2. Break It Down: Large goals can be intimidating. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks to make them less daunting and get to work.
  3. Create a Schedule: Plan your days in a way that allows you to focus on your tasks without distraction. Avoid over planning and paralysis by analysis, just do it.
  4. Hold Yourself Accountable: Find someone who can act as a sounding board and hold you accountable for your actions when you fail to take on challenges or find yourself avoiding the work.
  5. Celebrate Small Wins: Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. This boosts your morale and keeps you motivated. Reward yourself with a small break, a coffee, a light walk or however you can discover enjoyment in the small wins.
  6. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly assess your progress honestly in order to find potential impediments and overcome them. If something isn’t working, be willing to adjust your approach.
  7. Persist and Persevere: Accept any failures or setbacks, take the lessons from it, detach from the negative emotions associated to it and push on maintain the same energy and passion.
  8. Find Joy in the Grind: Getting into a state of flow is one of the most engaging and addictive feelings you can have. Doing work that you feel is bringing you closer to your goals, fulfilling your natural inclination to work, discovering the joy in pushing yourself and putting yourself into the grind of learning or doing work.

Outwork Your Self-Doubt

Outworking your self-doubt is a realistic approach you can take that can significantly impact your life and bring you closer to your true potential. By committing to hard work, you not only prove to yourself what you’re capable of but also build a stronger, more resilient self-image where you now see yourself as a hard worker than can do whatever they set their mind to.

This newfound confidence then propels you onto bigger and more challenging endeavors, creating a positive cycle of growth and achievement. The next time you find yourself plagued by self-doubt, remember that the best way to silence it is to drown it out with the sweet sound of hard work.



Gabriel Varela

Gabriel is a researcher and content writer at Job Wanderer. His research focuses on job market trends, career progression and emerging workplace technologies.