Masters of The Memetic Universe: The Tale of Pepe & Pork

4 min readMar 5, 2024

Memetic Magic

In the effervescent world of cryptocurrency, where volatility dances hand in hand with scam and innovation, few tales capture the spirit of communal strength and evolutionary finance quite like the memetic journey of $Pork and$Pepe.

The legacy of these two tokens is not only about the power of a clever digital asset but the unstoppable force of a united community. Buckle up, anon, for we’re about to dive into a narrative smoother than Grandpa’s whiskey and spicier than gossip at Lord Rothschild’s funeral.

Minted from the memetic trenches of the crypto realm, a stealth launch $Pepe token emerged. Not as a mere digital currency, but as a cultural icon; it’s a meme that transcended its virtual boundaries and became a rallying cry for enthusiasts and rebels alike. Without question, Pauly0x, who was the first to tweet about the project, became the spark that rallied the core community and quickly transformed the digital amphibian into a symbol of righteous financial freedom and successful rebellion within the crypto industry.

Unfortunately, in September 2023, it was alleged that three team members had accessed the project’s multi-sig wallet and absconded with $16M worth of $Pepe tokens. By this time the morale of the community was at an all-time low compared to the peak transcendence a few months prior when the token reached $1.6B market capitalization in 19 days. What had started off as “the ultimate meme coin”, soon became a contradiction to some and a joke to many. The sheer power of greed over the future of the coin quickly rugged community sentiment.

What The Fork?

As history has shown us time and time again, new heroes rise from the ashes of legends. Enter $Pork, the prodigious fork of the 0x69 $Pepeproject, Comprised of blockchain wizards and financial anarchists, $Pork embodies the sharp wit and irreverence of its predecessor, simultaneously forging its own path to crypto stardom. More than just a meme token, $Pork stands as a bold declaration — a testament to the power of the people to create value and freedom in a world often devoid of ethics and plagued by undue seriousness. “We are making a statement with the power of this community by showing the world that we are everything, and there is nothing about Pepe that exists without this community” — @Pauly0x (full quote below).

In the showdown against Pepe, $Pork emerges with unmatched memetic artistry and overwhelming commitment to a shared mission. This robust community invests not only their capital but also their creativity, knowledge, and time to fight a digital war against the exploitative practices of VCs and scam influencers within the crypto sphere. They herald this movement as Crypto 2.0, a new paradigm where the user reigns supreme, and truth flows free. $Pork stands as a shining beacon, showcasing the supreme significance of community within the crypto realm. Beyond mere algorithms and tokenomics lies a more profound truth — a shared vision, collective action, and unity of purpose that catapults a digital asset into the hallowed halls of crypto lore.

Let us pay homage to the master, for without Pepe, birthed by the hand of Matt Furie, this grand saga would remain a distant dream. The clash of these tokens unfolds with riveting intensity, a spectacle that captivates all who bear witness. Amidst the tumultuous seas of meme coins, where volatility reigns unchecked, remember this: the community is not merely a piece of the puzzle; it is the very fabric and essence of these diverse tokens together, crafting a divine tapestry destined for the illustrious meme coin meta Hall of Fame. 🚀🔥

Crypto 2.0 Is Here

It is essential to mention that $Pork lives within the Pondx Ecosystem which is a multi-layered decentralized exchange initially built to expand on the $Pepe story, however, given the criminal actions of the original Pepe team, Pond had to adopt a new version to ensure the stability of the asset used within the ecosystem. Today the platform stands as the foundation of Crypto 2.0, utilizing a flywheel effect, producing value for the user in a variety of ways.

Here are some remarkable statistics that Crypto 2.0 has produced within the Pond Ecosystem at via the Dune Dashboard:

  • Swap Volume: $606M in the first 183 days (Users can swap between ANY token found on CoinGecko)
  • Total Rewards Distributed: $26M in rewards given back to the community
  • PepeFork: $Pork did a 4,000x within the first 3 days, with an ATH of $400M.
  • Pork Rewards: $PORK holders received have received a total of $10M in the form of claims redistributed to eligible wallets. Over 30,000 received a claim, out of the astounding 375,000 eligible wallets. (Pro-Tip: using Pond0x pays)
  • Matt Furie: The Pond and Pork communities have given back $2,000,000 to Matt Furie who is the original creator of Pepe which is absolutely unprecedented.
  • Pondwater Stream: User receives a weekly payout of eth based on the value of locked $PNDC
  • Mining/Breeding: Opportunities to Mine $PNDC and Breed boosted $PORK. This is by far a community favorite.
  • New Developments: The launch of a new L2 — Magma & Lava coming soon. Solana fees on Ethereum Blockchain.




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