Jocelyn Jones
3 min readJan 20, 2016

Surprise Your Boyfriend By Presenting Some Little Cute Things On His Birthday

Celebrating your boyfriend’s birthday is always an excited thing that you could do . Venue, menu, events are some of the common things of a birthday party. This year just act differently by placing some simple stuffs in his room. Know how by reading this article.

Its your boyfriend’s birthday! Come on make him feel special by organising a simple and cute birthday party. But before the party gets started just stuff his room with plenty of cute gifts. It is not necessary to place an expensive gift for him. Just be smart enough and keep in mind about his likings and dislikings. Some of the simple yet cutest things that could be stored in his room on his birthday has been discussed below. Have a look:

  1. The Balloons: Balloons are the most cutest thing that you can use for decoration. Decorate the entire room with colourful balloons before you boyfriend enters into the room. You could also play with the balloons by making a pathway with those decorated balloons guiding him towards the room where the gift has been kept. Let your boyfriend walk through the ballooned path and find the gift by himself!

2. Birthday Cake: A birthday cake is one of the most important things that must be present in every birthday party. Specially if the cake is baked all by yourself! Let your boyfriend know that how special is he for you. Try to bake a heart shaped cake for him. A round or square shaped cake is also a good idea. Decorate the cake as much as you can by using your creativity skill. Use different types of toppings like chocolate, whipped cream, raspberry etc.

3. Flowers: Flowers are popularly known as the sign of love and when it is about your boyfriend’s birthday presenting a beautiful floral bouquet is a must for you. Firstly choose a florist who provides flower delivery service . Tell the florist about the details like date, time and address and ask the florist to deliver the floral bouquet accordingly. It would be great if you manage to present the floral bouquet to your boyfriend at sharp 12 o’clock. Also decorate the room with beautiful flowers. The fragrance of those beautiful flowers should reveal how much you love him.

4. Message Bottle: Another cute thing that you could do is keep a secret message bottle for your boyfriend. Just find a classic shaped bottle. Take a piece of paper and write anything about your feelings on it. Fold the paper and put inside the bottle. Add some other decorative items such as pebbles, shells, glitters, stars or some other things inside the bottle in order to give an attractive look to the bottle. Seal the bottle by using a cork.

5. Write A Letter: Instead of sending him birthday wishes through electronic media use your own natural ways. Writing a letter all by yourself for your boyfriend would not only make him happy but will also surprise him. Put your letter in the envelope and decorate it with colourful ribbons, glitters etc.

Jocelyn Jones

I am passionate about visiting exquisite places all around the world. Besides this, writing is my one of the favourite hobbies.