Why PHP’s __invoke Might Be Your Best Kept Secret!

jochelle mendonca
4 min readAug 24, 2024
Photo by AltumCode on Unsplash

In PHP, the __invoke method is a powerful feature that allows objects to be called as if they were functions.

This capability can be used to simplify code and improve its readability.

What is the __invoke Method?

The __invoke method is a special magic method in PHP that allows an object to be called like a function.

When an instance of a class with the __invoke method is used as a function, PHP internally calls the __invoke method of that object.

This can be really useful when you want your object to have a single, primary action that makes sense to be executed directly

Here’s a simple example to illustrate:

Normally, when you create an object in PHP, you call its methods using the object variable followed by the method name, like this:

class Printer {
public function printMessage($message) {
echo $message;

$printer = new Printer();
$printer->printMessage('Hello, World!');

But with __invoke, you can make an object callable, meaning you can "call" the object itself like a function, without explicitly naming a method:

class Adder {
private $value;

public function __construct($value) {
$this->value = $value;

public function __invoke($number) {
return $this->value + $number;

$adder = new Adder(10);
echo $adder(5); // Outputs: 15

In this example:

We define a class Adder with a constructor and an __invoke method.

The __invoke method adds a stored value to the provided argument.

When we create an instance of Adder and call it with 5, PHP invokes the __invoke method, which returns 15.

Why Use __invoke?

  • Cleaner Syntax: Makes your code look cleaner and more intuitive when an object represents a single, primary action or behavior.
  • Flexible Usage: Useful for functional programming styles or when implementing callback functions.

Common Uses for __invoke

  • Function Objects: Encapsulate function-like behavior within objects. This is useful for passing around behavior as objects in scenarios like callbacks or event handling.
  • Middleware: In some frameworks or custom implementations, you might use invokable classes to handle middleware logic.
  • Command Handlers: Encapsulate command logic within invokable classes, making it easier to manage and test.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can Another Public Method Exist in an Invokable Class?

Yes, an invokable class can have other public methods in addition to the __invoke method. The __invoke method does not restrict the class from containing other methods.

But personally, I prefer to just keep the __invoke method, if my class performs a single action.

2. Can __invoke Accept Multiple Arguments?

Yes, the __invoke method can accept multiple arguments, just like any other method.

3. Is __invoke Always Required to Be Public?

Yes, the __invoke method must be public.

If you define it as private or protected, it will not be callable. PHP will throw an error if you try to invoke an object with a non-public __invoke method.

4. Can __invoke Be Used with Static Methods?

No, the __invoke method cannot be static. It must be an instance method of the class.

The __invokemethod is designed to work with instances of a class, allowing those instances to be called as functions.

Tips and Tricks

  • Keep It Focused: Ensure that the __invoke method has a single responsibility. If the method becomes too complex, consider refactoring into multiple methods or classes.
  • Leverage Dependency Injection: You can inject dependencies into the class that contains __invoke. This practice can help keep your code modular and testable.
class Processor {
private $service;

public function __construct(Service $service) {
$this->service = $service;

public function __invoke($data) {
return $this->service->process($data);
  • Testing: When testing invokable classes, treat them like regular classes. You can test the behavior of the __invoke method just as you would test other methods.
  • Naming Conventions: Use descriptive class names that reflect the role of the __invoke method to make the code more understandable.

The __invoke method is a versatile feature in PHP that allows objects to be used as callable functions.

This can help streamline code and improve its organization. Invokable classes can contain other methods, accept multiple arguments, and must have a public __invoke method.

It’s perfect for scenarios where the main responsibility of an object can be naturally expressed as a callable action.

Just remember to use it wisely to keep your code clean and understandable!

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jochelle mendonca

Passionate PHP developer. Enthusiastic about the power of words, equally adept at reading and writing