David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness

Jodi Spencer
3 min readFeb 7, 2024


Embarking on the path of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment is a profound journey that often requires a roadmap. One such guiding light is the Map of Consciousness developed by Dr. David Hawkins, a renowned psychiatrist, spiritual teacher, and author. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of Hawkins’ map, exploring its layers and understanding how it can serve as a transformative tool for those navigating the realms of psychology and spirituality.

Understanding the Map of Consciousness:

David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness is a scale that measures levels of human consciousness based on emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Ranging from 0 to 1000, the scale categorizes these levels into bands, each representing a particular state of being. At the lower end of the scale are emotions associated with weakness and negativity, while the higher end signifies elevated states of consciousness and enlightenment.

The Scale Bands:

  • Shame (20): The lowest band on the scale, characterized by feelings of humiliation and worthlessness.
  • Guilt (30): Slightly higher, guilt involves a sense of self-blame and remorse.
  • Apathy (50): Marked by a lack of interest or enthusiasm, apathy reflects a disconnection from life.
  • Grief (75): The acknowledgment of loss and the emotions that accompany it.
  • Fear (100): A powerful emotion that can manifest as anxiety and insecurity.
  • Desire (125): The yearning for material or experiential fulfillment.
  • Anger (150): A potent emotion that can be both destructive and motivating.
  • Pride (175): The recognition of one’s accomplishments and a sense of superiority.
  • Courage (200): The tipping point into positive consciousness, where empowerment and integrity emerge.
  • Neutrality (250): Characterized by a sense of contentment and acceptance.
  • Willingness (310): A state of openness and receptivity to change.
  • Acceptance (350): A level where forgiveness and understanding become prominent.
  • Reason (400): The emergence of intellectual clarity and rationality.
  • Love (500): Unconditional love and compassion that transcends the ego.
  • Joy (540): A state of bliss and ecstasy that goes beyond ordinary happiness.
  • Peace (600–700): The highest states of consciousness, representing enlightenment and unity.

Integration with Psychotherapeutic Concepts:

Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness beautifully aligns with psychotherapeutic concepts, offering a framework for understanding and transforming emotions. Integrating this map into therapeutic practices allows individuals to identify their current state of consciousness and work towards higher levels of awareness.

Spiritual Considerations:

From a spiritual perspective, the map provides a roadmap for ascension and enlightenment. Practices such as mindfulness, somatic experiencing, and inner child work align with the journey towards higher states of consciousness, fostering a deeper connection with the divine.

David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness serves as a powerful tool for anyone seeking personal growth and spiritual evolution. By understanding the emotional landscape within oneself, individuals can embark on a transformative journey towards higher states of consciousness, integrating psychological and spiritual practices for a holistic approach to well-being.

Originally published at https://www.jodiaspencer.com on February 7, 2024.



Jodi Spencer

Therapist & Writer - I love walking with women through the descent of the goddess into the underworld of shadow work