8 things I learned from a personal fitness program

Jody Tu
6 min readJul 10, 2019


Been there, conquered that — here are my takeaways from this journey.

One word to describe my 2019 so far has to be Fitness. In mid-Feb, I caught a glimpse of what it’s like to “physically” keep up with the Kardashians, by training with a personal coach for 14 weeks — and it was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.

Why do it? I was just hit with a quarter life crisis right before I decided to join Ultimate Performance Singapore: lost, unmotivated, passed on an opportunity at work, I was looking for something that I can take complete control of — something that would give me a purpose. And this personal fitness program was exactly it.

After taking 2-inches off my waist and dropping 12% body fat later, here are the 8 things that I’ve learned from this journey:

1) Weight training for women? You go, girl!

Prior to this program, I’d never done any formal weight training. Although I’m a semi-regular gym goer, group classes were my gospel; they’re easy, fun and social — but they weren’t what I was after; seriousness. I mean sure, I’d played around with dumbbells before, but that was about the extent of it.

I hadn’t actually considered weight training for two main reasons. The first, was that I lacked any proper knowledge on it, and secondly — like many women out there — I was under the impression that I’d end up looking like a ‘King Kong version of Barbie.’ Fortunately, my trainer, Dan Dubois, was able to put both of these fears to bed straight away. He was able to equip me with the right knowledge, and each week push me harder with heavier weights and more rigorous workouts. My verdict on lifting weights? 100% love it, and it’s helped me gain strength and lean muscle mass without bulk — I’m physically and mentally lifted.

2) High all day. (No substances required, all natural.)

I read a lot of articles that emphasize the benefits of morning workouts, and was never really sold on the idea until I was staring down the 7:00 am slot, alone. Sure — exercising first thing in the morning was brutal to begin with — but once it became a routine, I realized it became ritualistic, and one of the best activities to get my day started. I’m now hooked because the feel-good endorphins from workouts have given me all-day energy. I mean, if I can conquer the weights, I can conquer the day, right?

3) Mind over body.

Anyone who knows me knows I’m a big carb eater. Noodles, fries and especially, rice. In the 26 years of my life, I’ve probably contributed to 10% of the global rice consumption (okay, that’s an exaggeration, but you get the idea). To go from that to a low carb diet was quite a difficult transition. I would get very grumpy and then frustrated not knowing what to consume in the beginning. When you’re mentally weak, all sorts of temptations come your way — but part of this process was me discovering that I was so much stronger than my cravings; and you can be too. By the third week, I was able to make the right food choices and stay sane.

4) Find your daily joy.

To my previous point, cutting down carbs genuinely felt like a part of me had died. In order to finish the program, I had to look for other alternatives that kept my spirits high and guilt off. I found this in the form of half an avocado, a banana and a whey protein espresso. Dieting is hard — so never underestimate something as simple as a sweet protein shake. This mouthwatering trio has kept me going and helped beat back any lethargy that I experienced during the day.

5) Time is like cleavage, squeeze and there you have some.

Not having enough time is forever an excuse. How you utilize the hours between sleep and work is what makes you. To achieve my daily goals, I became friends with my Google Calendar for better time management and prioritization. With it, I rediscovered those gaps in the day that could otherwise go unused. I carved out specific times for gym because, the power of visualization forced me to stay committed to my plans. Next time you consider skipping gym on a “busy” day, think twice — you may just have that extra hour to squeeze in.

6) The world is your gym if you make it.

Living in Singapore has made traveling too easy. Going into the program, I strategically chose a period that I predicted wouldn’t have a ton of traveling involved. Little did I know, I ended up going on 5 different trips during the course of my training. A party weekend in HK for 3 joined birthday celebrations, 3-day layover in Taipei, 1-week family outing to Japan, a work trip to San Francisco and last, a leisure holiday to Vietnam — each trip carries with it a different level of distraction that requires some degree of management.

Apart from managing the diet portion, I picked up new exercises: running (because you can pretty much run anywhere) and high-intensity interval training (because all you need is 30 minutes and a small space). All in all, throwing your fitness regime out the window, even for a single weekend away, isn’t worth wasting all the hard work you’ve put into your body.

7) Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the same goes for a summer beach bod.

Millennials want fast results, and there’s an app for everything from food delivery, video/music streaming to e-commerce. Nonetheless, this culture of instant gratification doesn’t work for old school fitness. This program has reminded me that there’s no shortcut to having those abs that I’ve been dreaming of. Transformation doesn’t happen in a day — it takes sweat, perseverance… and no alcohol.

8) Real homies got your back!

The fear of changing my lifestyle was one big obstacle that would have prevented me from even starting this journey. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to sacrifice my leisure in exchange for a healthier lifestyle — which is why I’m super thankful for having a supportive group of friends who played a tremendous part in helping me get to the finish line. These days we live in the age of ‘FOMO’ and it leads us to say yes to every invite, every outing and every party. However, real friends understand and are there for you during your detox. Sober board games instead of a night out at Marquee. Hiking Sunday instead of Hungover Sunday. Of course, a drinking hiatus will change the group dynamic a little but it could also be an opportunity to start a new health trend to keep everyone on their toes.

So now that I’ve completed the program, what’s next?

These 14 weeks have helped me build a habit that I’m sure will last a lifetime. Working out 6 days a week is no longer a chore but something that I actually look forward to. I feel equipped with the knowledge and techniques to be on my own. Now I am on the right path, motivated, and ready to take on the next challenge.

What challenges are you going to tackle in 2019? Leave a comment below and let me know!

