The name's Joe.

I left the smudgy zip-lock bags along with the law—and occasionally jaw—breaking behind. Taking my foot out of the grave, I began a transformation toward truth, the arts, and love.

Always a ponderer, I leverage my past to articulate the present, and every now and then, something worthwhile makes it to the page.

Medium is now my digital home for these stories.

Though I lead a minimalist lifestyle, my heart is enormously enriched by a diverse powerhouse: my small-village Polish wife, two Lancastrian ragdoll cats, a partially deaf Thai stray dog, and, of course, my love for writing.

If I could find happiness, so can you, friend.

This is me, believing that a questionable background in piano and writing somehow translates to playing the guitar. Oh, damn you, frustratingly lovely journey of creative pursuits.

Medium member since May 2020
Joe Treetop

Joe Treetop

Ex-dealer turned thought-wielder. A romantic for the wonderfully peculiar, versed in the nefarious. I dissect the self and culture with honesty and satire.