Unauthorized ODIN Blockchain Report No: 0

Joel Carl
7 min readMay 10, 2019


Howdy Howdy ODIN folks!

I am writing today to give a bit of a perspective on the current happening with ODIN Blockchain. I do this in a completely unauthorized or reviewed fashion. So please take that into consideration when reading, also I am not really the most eloquent writer. But that’s the thing about a decentralized project like ODIN.. we are made up of the sum of our parts. Those who put effort into the project define it (even if they aren’t ideal.. like me). And that is really the spirit of what I’ll be talking about today.

What is going on this week with ODIN Blockchain?

The weekly governor reports have been a staple for months. And they have been pretty rad, filled with juicy information on progress in various arenas. But what if I told you they had a particularly unique negative side-effect?

First, they put added work on those producing, developing or working on independent projects (govs) Not only are they developing.. but they have to narrate it along the way.. on a weekly basis! quite the hassle.

Second it does not foster involvement from the community in any way except reading and providing feedback on the reports (this feedback is sometimes good.. sometimes bad.. it’s a mixed bag) But what it truly amounts to is reinforcing an old system of hierarchy which is contrary to what our Decentralized organization should be all about.

I am not saying the gov reports aren’t rad, I am not saying the work the governors and contributors are doing isn’t awesome. I am saying that the roles we all tend to fall into is less that ideal, and until we change them or even just understand them— we are gonna have a hard time getting community traction. Let alone being an ideal example of a decentralized organization.


See the fundamental truth here is that ODIN Blockchain did not have an ICO, we do not have buckets of funds to have salaried core team and developers to build this vision. Yes we have Pete, Pixxl, TheVoice, z3n, Hypo, Cam, Bohica, Miket and more — these guys bleed ODIN..They are all working in their own arenas with their own skill sets and we can see that because of the progress being delivered. The important thing to remember is that these guys are doing it as community members without pay. The only difference between them and any other community member is that they are committing their personal time and talents to the ODIN Blockchain cause. (toast them when you next get the chance)

If say… Like this week.. we do not get a governors report. It is not a negative, it is not FUD, it does not mean progress isn’t being made. It just means they are busy with other stuff.

I am saying all of the above with the goal to empower the community, we all have a say, we all have the ability to contribute to this project. And we are not mearly the result of the weekly governor report. A recent priority (initiative of TheVoice, mrblister, Bohica & Pixxl & Zaps) has been to FIX the decentralized voting system — and as of now it should be working. So we can put forth proposals and vote on allocation of minted funds etc. Just like a real decentralized organization! But it is going to be more important than ever for holders to make informed decisions. And ideally thoughtful proposals.

I know a lot of you (like me) can read this narrative and feel ill equipped to contribute to the project. We’re not devs, we’re not marketing experts, I am obviously not a writer. But here is the thing.. there is a TON WE CAN DO, and we need to do every day. I am going to highlight just a few off the top of my head:

ENGAGE: every single day, every ODIN marine needs to visit Reddit, visit Odin’s Bitcoin Talk thread, visit twitter, visit telegram and discord. We need to stop lurking and start engaging. Retweet.. it’s a click of a button and it takes zero effort. Like and comment on reddit posts.. our reddit is at times a ghost town.. and we are all to blame. Go onto Bitcoin talk and drop in some comments.. do it regularly. This is important to reflect we are a supportive community. These are the factors exchanges, CMC, etc. all look at to rate the health of a community. Be part of the solution and demonstrate our community is not only involved but contributing.

TALENTS: what skill do you have? what time can you give of those skills? Are you able to do something for ODIN? I feel like our community has numerous skilled people who can do things other than write code. But even the most useless of us can post a thread, engage and retweet.

NETWORKING: I know several of you are involved in other projects, how can we use those connections to help benefit ODIN?

GOVERNANCE: if you run a node.. you are obligated to be well informed and to participate in the discussion and voting on proposals. As stated above.. they are working now — the next superblock is the end of this month.. lets start discussing, proposing and voting. This is a responsibility we should all take seriously.

SUPPORT: it is really easy to get frustrated with the glacial pace (at times) of development. But M.A.S.H. is next week, ODIN.CHAT is SOONER THAN EVER BEFORE. Governance is working. There is a ton to be excited about!

Unfortunately a common trap we all fall into as the community is to only be engaged enough to rate the core contributors progress as either sufficient or deficient. This relates back to my point at the beginning, at best this dynamic is less than productive, at worst it is dysfunctional. Really, unless we are working to making ODIN great, than we have no grounds to complain about the efforts of others. Instead of being a project based on the work of the few leaders — lets be a project with an ARMY of contributors.

So, What have I (isaboa) done this week to help ODIN? I am but a mere mortal with less than zero blockchain development skills. But i still am putting my time and attention to the project. Because this project MATTERS. not just the market value, but the overall principle of personal data privacy tools. This is why IGAF.

  • I made more emojis... Between HYPO and I we have made a most legendary set of emojis. It takes 4 servers to house them all.
  • I posted and tweeted and liked and (even though I hate it) commented on /Biz posts.
  • I check in on discord and telegram and interact and support. I helped a few people out with wallet issues and masternode setups. Not as a mod.. just as a community member.
  • Myself along with a handful of other ODIN marines have raised some funds for some pretty exciting efforts.. these will be fully announced with the launch of M.A.S.H. — this is a completely community driven effort and is going to drive eyeballs and traffic to ODIN & MASH.
  • I am almost complete making an ODIN Merch shop. This project is a long time coming and I cannot wait to share it, not just with the ODIN community but with the Crypto world at large. It’s pretty damn cool.

So yeah, that’s off top of my head some of the ways this guy.. a veritable peeporetard made a difference this week. And I know of a dozen other ODIN pals (govs and non-govs) who are working just as hard in their own ways.

We’re either part of the solution or we’re pointless bagholders. There is no in between.

To conclude this incoherent & 100% rogue medium article. I wanna thank the hard work and dedication of the Contributors to the ODIN Blockchain Project. Pete, Pixxl, Bohica, TheVoice, Hypoluxy, Miket, Zaps, James Morgan, Cam, Z3N, Alpi, Craig, mrblister, Catamorphus, Mitigator, LordJohn, Coolroof and many more. They are all a WEALTH of talent and they all think every day about what they can do for ODIN.

Joe aka Isaboa is just an ODIN Blockchain fan



Joel Carl

Exploring the world through a fog of recessed lines and parking fines.